Can't respond to a PM? RORY if you are online Please READ

NanaB .
on 11/2/13 2:08 am

For some reason I can't respond to a PM that was sent to me, I am not online like I use to be, so I just got a PM from a friend that just had surgery and hiatal hernia repaired that I recommended that they go with Dr Ku, my new surgeon.

I know the PM is a bit old, September 28th, I just don't get on here as often as I used to.


I just wanted to let you know that I am very happy your hiatal repair went well and you got to keep your band, and you are back to losing again!

RORY, if you are online please respond and I will send you my private email so that I can see how you are doing.



Member Services
on 11/3/13 1:08 am - Irvine, CA

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Member Services Team

NanaB .
on 11/6/13 9:02 am

Thank you, I will send them a note.

Member Services
on 11/6/13 9:59 am - Irvine, CA

Hi NanaB

If you are still having problems, try changing ​​the Default Editor Type from HTML Editor #1 to Editor #2 and  ​it should fix the issue​.

  ​You can do this by going to:   My Account Settings Message Board​   If you continue to have an issue try using another browser if you are using IE, Internet Explorer.   Thank you, Member Services​
NanaB .
on 11/6/13 10:18 am

Ok, thanks so much I will try that.

on 11/5/13 1:15 pm

Hi Nana. Not Rory here so hope it's ok to ask you a question on this thread. I recently had revision from 4cc to 14cc band and I haven't had any fills yet but it feels very different then my 4cc. I felt immediate restriction in I would say almost in my throat area when eating with the 4cc band so ate very little the entire 9 months I had it. Not so with the new band. I can feel it more in what I think is the pouch because I get a real full feeling like I did preband. I was just wondering if you experienced the same thing or whether it is different because of no fills. I know the surgeon said the 4cc was high pressure and not so much with the newer. Any insight would be helpful.

Thanks in advance, Lori

NanaB .
on 11/6/13 8:44 am, edited 11/6/13 9:03 am



Yes there is a difference between how the 4cc band feels and the larger bands. I don't have a 14cc band, I have the smaller 10cc AP small Allergan lap band.However, with my older 4cc band I would feel tight restriction in my throat even before I ate anything so maybe this is true with the older 4cc high pressure bands, you feel the restriction MORE in your esophagus area than in your pouch stomach area.

Maybe the reason they no longer use the older 4cc bands in the US because they are harder on the esophagus long term, and can cause reflux and other issues to to the esophagus.

That being said, with my new bigger band, it took over 6 months before I felt ANY restriction, I did have a little swelling after surgery which mimicked restriction, but after that went away, I was wide open as if I had the band removed instead of a new band installed.

I was able to get good restriction about 7 months post op, and I got to my sweet spot about 1 month ago and I have PERFECT restriction now with no side effects of reflux, heartburn or vomiting and I am very grateful to my new surgeon Dr. Ku for fixing me.

Now my situation may be different from yours, I had a hiatal hernia repair and old band removed and new band placed at the same time so there were no significant damage to my esophagus or stomach.       

I hope this information helps you, if you don't have good restriction yet, stay calm it will happen, I thought the same thing, it took a while. I think those who get revisions from the older 4cc bands have to get used to the newer bigger bands and how they feel.

I am at my sweet post now and I feel the same tightness now that I felt with my old band, but not that tightness in my esophagus, and WITH OUT all the reflux, PBing and heartburn -- thank god.


Edited to add: this new band feels easier on my body, whereas my old 4cc band felt heard on my esophagus, I don't know how to explain it better, but that is how I feel and I feel 100 percent better with this new band.

on 11/7/13 9:34 am


Really appreciate you taking the time to respond. I had a lot of scar tissue with mine. My surgeon said it took him 2 hours to remove it all. I also had hiatal hernia repair, which was supposed to have been fixed with the first one. I am very thankful for my doctor. It sounds like from your experience that I just need to be patient. My eating is steadily increasing because I, like you did, don't have any restriction at all right now. Trying to maintain control.

I am glad I don't have the awful feeling in my esophagus anymore. It was so uncomfortable but I just thought it was normal. Live and learn. Happy to hear you are doing well with your new band. 

And by the way, thank you for all your very informative posts.

Take care.


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