Fell on my stomach where my port is

on 10/31/13 12:48 am - bohemia, NY

Has this happened to anyone?  I fell about 3 weeks ago I tripped and I landed on my stomach.  I brusied right where the port is an is just starting to go away now.  It doesn't hurt and I don't get pain but I get a weird feeling like i can feel it but it's not painful.  It didn't effect eating or anything.  I am just not sure should i go to the Dr or that it's just taking a while for my stomach to get back to normal.

on 10/31/13 1:13 am

That happened to me and the doctor said sometimes the scar tissue can move and cause a bit of pain or I could have bruised the muscle so it would still hurt. Up to you maybe you can just call and leave a message or email the doctor?

Start weight: 320
At surgery:  300
Current:      185
Goal:           175

on 10/31/13 1:57 am - bohemia, NY

I'm gonna give it another week it doesn't hurt Its just a strange feeling. I fell pretty hard thanks for your avice.

on 10/31/13 6:07 am - Vancouver, WA

I agree with Mell just give the surgeon a call to ease your mind. It is probably nothing but that way you will know for sure.

on 10/31/13 10:40 am - New York, NY

I play vball 3 X a week and I dive on the floor every night, my port is obvious and sticks out bc I have a very flat stomach. I've been doing this 5-6 times a night 3 nights a week, you have nothing to worry about.  

Kate -True Brit
on 11/1/13 1:44 am - UK

Someone once posted to say he had asked his doctor if he could do kick boxing. Doc said might hurt if he got direct kick but would do no harm. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 11/4/13 9:57 pm - bohemia, NY

Thanks everyone it doesn't hurt and I think it just felt really weird because I fell on the port when the edge of the track.  Just my clumsy ass self lol!!! I appreciate the advise.


Does anyone have real good pro shakes they like I am not a big fan I see Shakeology and besides the $$ they sugar and cals seem high and I really what to find a good one.

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