Hi and Intro from Jill

on 10/22/13 9:40 am

Forgive me if this is not the right place for this.  I am new and trying to feel my way around.

But anyway,

Here goes......

I think I should say a little something about myself since I am reading all about y'all. I got my referral from my PCP on 10/16/13 and go for my orientation/class, meeting with insurance counselor, and first apt with the surgeon/team on 11/7/13.  I am going to UVA (University of VA) and am not sure who my surgeon will be yet (because it is a teaching hospital).


I have been overweight my whole life and I am sure like many of you I have struggled to control it.  I know I have a food addition...more like sugar addiction. I have tried so many different things; most recently I tried a drug called Qsymia with no results.  It has been very frustrating.  Add the fact that I have some other medical issues that have developed in the last few years and between the conditions and the meds, the weight keeps piling on.


What made me decide to have the surgery is that my PCP (and my Rheumatologist) told me that loosing the weight would make me feel better.  Less pain can't be a bad thing and I am willing to do almost anything to get there.  I am realistic; I know that loosing weight is not a "cure all" for my medical issues or for emotional ones.


I am very excited to start this journey and am happy to have found a community to share it with.  I have a great support system at home, but they will not understand everything my body and mind are going through.  I have found inspiration and knowledge here and want to thank you all.  Sharing your stories have helped someone (me) and I look forward to sharing my journey with the hope of helping someone too.

Bette B.
on 10/22/13 10:35 am

Well, hello there, Jill! 


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

Member Services
on 10/22/13 1:22 pm - Irvine, CA

Congratulations on taking control of your life and weight loss journey.  Be sure and check out OH's home page, with great articles, blog entries, before and after photos and much more.   ​​ Here are some Weight Loss Surgery Resources.

About Obesity

About Weight Loss Surgery

Medical Necessity

Post-op Planner

BMI Calculator

Health Tracker

http://www.obesityhelp.com/articles/choice-of-bariatric-proc edure-a-philosophy-obtained-in-20-years-of-bariatric-practic e-2/http://www.obesityhelp.com/articles/choice-of-bariatric-proc edure-a-philosophy-obtained-in-20-years-of-bariatric-practic e-2/

If you need any further assistance, please let us know at [email protected]


on 10/23/13 4:20 am - Vancouver, WA

Welcome, good to see a new face. I would strongly suggest you intensely research the 4 main weight loss surgeries (WLS) the DS, RNY, VSG and band. I will say that the band while effective for some does have a 50% failure rate, meaning half of the people do not reach their goal and some like myself  only lose a very few lbs., I lost 20 lbs.! Some counceling may also be needed because none of the surgeries will change your brain only your stomach. It sounds like yours is also physical so you ma need a more serious surgery like the RNY or DS but these are all things your surgeon will or should discuss with you. I wish you all the best and hope this will be a step to a better life for you!

on 10/23/13 7:20 am - Hollywood, FL
Welcome Jill
Whatever you decide to do, be sure to see a counselor, because no matter what wls you decide upon, it all comes back to your "head", surgery is JUST a TOOL! I have seen many wls patients who have gained much or most of their weight back. and no one procedure is better than another. Attend a few support group meetings through the doctor you will be considering. Again attend quite a few meetings, meet fellow wls patients and ask questions. Ask about how many support group meetings they offer and speak to patients from that office ask others about how supportive the office staff is. Do not bother speaking sooooo much to those persons who are not even a year out. Speak to persons with a few years under them. Why? Because there is a "honeymoon" phase, and newbies are all rainbows and sunshine. And life happens, and we must learn to roll with the punches.

Losing weight fast, is just that, fast. Developing life long habits are vitally important to success, and taking your time and addressing those habits do not develop over night. If you are not prepared to do the work, nutrition, exercise, support group meetings, and professional counseling ( one on one), then do not bother entertaining surgery. WLS is not an easy answer and certainly not an easy out. There is much to do to work toward a healthier life style.

Did not mean to get on a soap box. But know that ALL wls requires much work.
Welcome and remember everyone's journey is different.

Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE  BYE  130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU!  Time for a Head adjustment!    **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift

        Exercise    is not a LUXURY!

        Exercise  is a  NECESSITY

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