Thinking of lap band. Questions about acid reflux.

on 10/16/13 3:12 am
On October 16, 2013 at 10:01 AM Pacific Time, NanaB . wrote:
On October 16, 2013 at 9:50 AM Pacific Time, annie0039 wrote:

NO!! A "WELL PLACED" BAND with a Hernia  WILL NOT!!!!!!!!! Prevent Reflux 

Sorry but I really Can't tolerate People that come to this Forum or ANY other and ACT like they are a DOCTOR!!! 

 In My Humble Opinion NO one with Barrett's should be banded. the band is already a high pressure system that can/does cause stress on the esophagus. 

If your interested in the True complications with the Lap Band check out Allergan's site they list ALL of them and they All happen Frequently!! not 1-5% of the time but more likely at a rate of 50% of the timesurprise 

Sorry but MY well placed band did. You can't speak for EVERYONE'S Band. Will I ever get reflux again as long as I have my current band? I don't know but RIGHT NOW, I have great restriction with NO reflux.

And it's NOT your place to place doom and gloom on everyone that has a lap band. If I ever get reflux down the road....I will deal with it as I've dealt with it with my old band either take PPi's just LIKE MANY SLEEVERS - or get it removed.(happy I have that option with the band)...if it the reflux gets unbearable-- but right now I will ride my well placed band with no issues...and hope for the best.

I wasn't speaking for everyone's band but you seemed to be by telling the OP that a hernia and a band will cure it !!! maybe you should reread before you postkiss

And stop attacking all the Sleevers, If you don't want one GREAT! Not all sleevers have reflux. 

And I was just telling the OP to research the band COMPLICATIONS with any surgery are there IF YOU TAKE THE TIME TO READ 







NanaB .
on 10/16/13 3:13 am, edited 10/16/13 3:14 am

FYI...I read that percentage of symptoms with Reflux and vomiting  (vomiting was 43 percentage, experienced from banders) and SO FAR -- knock on wood I am almost 1 year post op with my new band and I have not vomited or Pb once and I hope to keep it that  way as long as I can or keep it to a minimum.

(deactivated member)
on 10/16/13 12:52 pm

Anyone telling you that the band does not cause reflux is not being honest with you.  Most banded people have reflux a few years down the road.  It also tends to cause a lot of esophageal damage and that just makes the reflux worse.

Bands are not really effective surgery types long term.  They are not safe long term.  When they talk about the band being the safest surgery type they are talking about the actual surgery, not long term,  The sleeve is the safest surgery type long term.  Bands have as many complications as bypass in number.

Keep researching.

on 10/16/13 4:09 pm, edited 10/16/13 4:10 pm - Davison, MI

On October 16, 2013 at 6:35 AM Pacific Time, NanaB. wrote:

Edited to add: A well fitted lap band WITH a hiatal hernia repair will CURE REFLUX AND GERD, it has for me, you just have to find a very experienced lap band surgeon to do it. This is the first time in over 20 years that I don't have to take PPi's (acid reducers) and that is a good feeling, since long term PPi's can cause bone loss.

The band placement WITH hiatal hernia repair will keep the acid from the stomach from rising up in the esophagus and damaging the esophagus. When the band is tighten (but not too tight) it keeps the acid from rising up in the esophagus.

This is just the opinion of the poster.  As stated above 1) I was obese 2) I never had acid reflux or gerd 3) I never had a hiatal hernia, so there was no need for repair.  4) My band was "perfectly" placed based on UGI, scope and visual when removed. 5) UGI showed band open.

I was put on 1 ppi a day and than upped to 2 ppi a day.  Fluid was removed until totally empty (three times) I developed Horrible acid reflux that was resolved with band removal.  I have seen reflux reported in bands and sleeves.  I haven't seen any number on % as I have to believe a lot isn't reported.  When banded I was part of a 5 year study, I never heard from them after year 3.

People need to research all WLS to see which fits their medical issues and lives.  Barrets is a medical issue that needs to be looked at very hard.  With the issues I had and the worry I would get cancer from the reflux, the OP needs all the bad from all the WLS.  I to would think they need to really look at a RNY.



BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 10/16/13 8:55 pm, edited 10/16/13 9:03 pm

We went to the surgeon and spoke with him yesterday. He told us that the band helps keep the acid in the stomach and he would scope us both to check for any problems before placing the band. It's so weird how there are so many different opinions. I don't doubt those of you who say you developed horrible heartburn did and also I think it helps some people. It seems like a 50/50 shot.

Speaking of the 50/50 shot. It also seems about 50% of people love the band and 50% of people hate it. That is kind of scary odds for me. I hate to go through all of that to be disappointed or lose what I could've lost on Weigh****chers. I asked the surgeon the success rate of the band and he totally dodged the question.

As I said before, bypass is just not an option for either of us. I would consider the sleeve as a last resort, but I'm really scared of it too, and it seems like it definitely makes the reflux worse? 

I'm not trying to sound mean or anything, I would just love any more opinions of those who can give them. I like to be well researched on anything, especially something like this. It seems like people who have been there/done that can give the best information.

*And before someone thinks I'm dissing WW, I'm not. I think it's an awesome program and have seen great results, but personally I've never been able to stick to it more than a 20 pound loss which I always regain within a month or two.

on 10/17/13 2:20 am

Well you guessed the odds correctly enlightened It's a 50% failure rate for a lap band, and those that tell you otherwise haven't been banded long enough to be honest . If your Doctor isn't going to give you REAL Truths then why would you put your life in his hands to have surgery? Get a NEW Doctor, Heck get a 2 nd and 3 rd opinion. Because the BIGGEST Problem with the band is AFTERCARE !! If you don't have it from your Doctor's office it makes it 100x tougher.

I understand the Frustration in wanting to lose weight we ALL do .

Let me explain it this way. IF.. you chose a Lap band as I mentioned before looking at the complications list I gave in a previous post from Allergan , this is a list of the Complications everyone banded in their studies experienced., HENCE the reason they made it so that they could get the FDA to approve the band.

Will you lose weight? Maybe, some ppl do some NEVER do. will you have reflux? Probably.. that is the biggest complaint for bandsters. 

When your banded you MAY Vomit, slime=increase of saliva flow in the mouth to the point of feeling like you need to spit/vomit. Get food stuck in your throat, experience pain like your having a heart attack(but most times your not really) 

PB=productive burping, just like it sounds burp allot. Farting, yep allot.

If you have a problem with your port/ tubing/ leaking =SURGERY TO FIX it.

band slip= take all the saline fluid out of your band and PRAY it heals, while experiencing reflux/heartburn etc..IF NOT =SURGERY to fix OR remove the band. SO Pray you don't vomit often that will cause a slip.

If you overeat with the band that will cause a constant battle between the esophagus trying to push food down and the band trying to prevent that from happening = Dilated Esophagus= esophageal mobility problems.

The band DOESN'T keep you from over eating, YOU have to do that on your own.

IF you get a fill and you can't eat/drink again PRAY that the Doctor will see you in a reasonable amount of time and not make you wait weeks or tell you to to the ER.

If in 5 years you need to have the band removed according to the Doctors YOU WILL REGAIN YOUR WEIGHT QUICKLY. ( not my words, but straight from the Doctors)

IF you then decide you would like to have another WLS you will lose slower than an original surgery, A Virgin sleever loses faster/more weight then someone banded 

If you have a family history of Auto immune disease? the band IS NOT recommended. 

may Clinic doesn't do lap bands any longer and if your Smart you have to ask why?

Allot of Doctors aren't doing them again WHY? 

I'm not a person that HATES the band as others will try to may ppl think.. What I do Dislike is people trying to say that it is so Wonderful when it's NOT! The people that say they still love their band ALL I ask is how LONG did it take to get to GOAL weight ? How long did you stay there? YEARS !! Doesn't seem like  Great weight loss program to me, and you will see some of those same people saying NOW after years with their bands their taking Weight loss pills? or Trying another "new Diet" WHY?? 

If you interested in a Surgeon I don't know where you live but I'd be happy to recommend someone just PM me, OR if your really interested in Researching  the band again PM I have a Multitude of studies to show you/OR just go to U tube and check out all the Failed Lap band videos.

My Personal favorite from a Doctor that has written allot of studies on the Band  "Why I no longer perform Gastric Banding.

Good Luck in your Decision 








Nic M
on 10/18/13 1:49 am

I would really recommend reading the Revisions forum very thoroughly before making any decisions. You'll see an absolutely alarming amount of people revising FROM the band to other surgeries. That is, if their insurance will pay for it. A lot of insurance companies have implemented a One WLS per lifetime clause. I know so many people who are just desperate to have bands removed because they're in such daily misery. 


I wish you the best. I hope you'll save yourself the pain and disappointment that accompanies banding so often. 


Full disclosure, I HATE the band. It did so much damage to my body. It was the worst decision I ever made and I still regret it more than 10 years after the fact. 

on 10/18/13 9:48 am - Davison, MI
On October 17, 2013 at 3:55 AM Pacific Time, sdkitty wrote:

We went to the surgeon and spoke with him yesterday. He told us that the band helps keep the acid in the stomach and he would scope us both to check for any problems before placing the band. It's so weird how there are so many different opinions. I don't doubt those of you who say you developed horrible heartburn did and also I think it helps some people. It seems like a 50/50 shot.

Speaking of the 50/50 shot. It also seems about 50% of people love the band and 50% of people hate it. That is kind of scary odds for me. I hate to go through all of that to be disappointed or lose what I could've lost on Weigh****chers. I asked the surgeon the success rate of the band and he totally dodged the question.

As I said before, bypass is just not an option for either of us. I would consider the sleeve as a last resort, but I'm really scared of it too, and it seems like it definitely makes the reflux worse? 

I'm not trying to sound mean or anything, I would just love any more opinions of those who can give them. I like to be well researched on anything, especially something like this. It seems like people who have been there/done that can give the best information.

*And before someone thinks I'm dissing WW, I'm not. I think it's an awesome program and have seen great results, but personally I've never been able to stick to it more than a 20 pound loss which I always regain within a month or two.

All surgeries have pros and cons!

The RNY is good for acid reflux!  It uses mal-absorption of calories, but this usually only last a couple years.  Than you are left with mal-absorption of nutrients without the benefit of mal-absorption of calories.

The sleeve is a restriction only surgery like the band.  But, without the high maintenance and complications.  I can't believe a surgeon would say a properly placed band would keep the acid down.  If it is able to keep the acid down, which is liquid, how would any food get thru?

Than there is the DS.  It is the sleeved stomach with a mal-absorption switch.  This is the WLS with the best lost and long term weight loss.  It is also the surgery with the most mal-nutritional results.

You would need to talk to a surgeon that does all to get a fair recommendation as to what is best for you.  Unless of course they only so RNY, VSG and DS because the have stopped doing the Band due to its high complication rate like the Mayo Clinic and the U.S. Army.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

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