Thinking of lap band. Questions about acid reflux.

on 10/15/13 2:57 am

I have a tentative date for Lap Band surgery scheduled for May, and also my husband is considering this surgery as well. We both have extreme acid reflux (controlled with meds). About 5 years ago, an endoscopy showed he had Barretts Esophagus (pre-cancerous cells in the esophagus). He has been taking medication since this time and his follow up appointments have been OK (no damaged cells).k

I have been reading some horror stories of increased acid reflux after lap band, and that is the last thing either of us need. I'm not even sure he will be a candidate since he's had the past history with Barrets. Does anyone have any experience with this you can share? Is your acid reflux better or worse after the surgery? Anyone with Barrets who was able to have the surgery?

Jackie G.
on 10/15/13 4:37 am

My experience has been as long as I keep a well-adjusted band, I have no problems with reflux.  That being said, when my band has been too tight, the reflux has been terrible so I have had fluid removed to resolve the issue.

I would ask your surgeon what he thinks, as I have known people whose reflux did get worse after surgery.

Good luck!


on 10/15/13 5:12 am - Vancouver, WA

The band is notorious for causing reflux no matter whether it is tight or not. I beg you to reconsider your choice of surgery. Please read about the other choices for surgery, altho the sleeve can also be hard on folks with reflux. No reputable surgeon would put a band on someone who already has Barretts. The band is a temporary weight loss, the manufacturer advises it is only good for 5-10 yrs. and it has a 50% failure rate so is really a poor choice or success and I'm sure no one wants failure! There are other far more productive surgeries. Good luck to you both!


on 10/15/13 5:22 am - NY
VSG on 10/12/12

You should really research RNY long and hard as well.  Life with the band can be misery especially if you have acid reflux.  If your food gets "stuck" (which it most likely will at least ONCE in your life with the band if not every time you eat) you will have to "slime" or regurgitate it back up...that makes your esophagus worse.  I have a sleeve now after living with the band for four years but I wouldn't recommend the sleeve for someone who already has horrible reflux.  You should discuss your concerns with your surgeon and ask about the RNY.

band to sleeve revision and loving life!

You do you, and I'll do me

on 10/15/13 11:31 am, edited 10/18/13 9:01 am - Davison, MI

You and your husband are not good candidates for the band I would have to believe.  I never had acid reflux before being banded.  I didn't even know what heart burn felt like.  I had HORRIBLE acid reflux with the band that even 2 ppi's a day and unfilled couldn't control.  I had the band removed and the reflux stopped after a couple months completely and was sleeved 4.5 months later.  I don't have any problems with the sleeve but, many have.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

Kate -True Brit
on 10/15/13 6:11 pm - UK

Right! This is from a very happy and successful bandster! 

The band should not cause reflux unless it is too tight. But being too tight is not always a matter of choice; it can arise for other reasons like a build up of scar tissue. Because the band restricts or slows the progress of food, it can put pressure on the oesophagus. If you or your husband already have oesophageal problems, I am surprised any doctor would consider it.

For acid reflux without pre-existing oesophageal problems, the band should make no difference unless, as I said before, it becomes too tight 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 10/15/13 7:39 pm
This is really surprising because I would think the majority of overweight people would have problems with reflux. I have a classmate with the same surgeon I'm seeing & she said between the band & the hiatal hernia repair, her reflux has been cured 100 percent. Bypass is not an option for me.
NanaB .
on 10/15/13 11:20 pm, edited 10/15/13 11:35 pm


I will give you my 2 cents worth. I am over 8 years post op, I've had two lap bands, the first band was done by a surgeon that was VERY NEW to banding and I believe I was his 15th band placement. Back then in 2005 many US surgeons were not routinely repairing hiatal hernias. Although I lost over 130 pounds with my first band it was not without issues.

Also, I agree with above poster, any Reflux POST BANDING indicates a too tight band (or band slippage), and has nothing to do with "regular reflux", but a hiatal hernia can make any post banding reflux worse and the hiatal hernia can cause lap band complications if it is not repaired before the band is fitted.

I had GERD for YEARS before I thought about a lap band which was caused by obesity. MOST obese people suffer from GERD and acid reflux issues with NO LAP BAND.

Because my undiagnosed hiatal hernia was NOT repaired with my FIRST band placement it, caused some issues with reflux for me, but it was managed with PPI's throughout the years.

Also, I had another strike against me I had the older 4cc/10cm lap band which is no longer used in the US because they are very dangerous to many banders long term.  This contributed to my reflux issues and the older 4cc bands were more prone to pouch/esophageal dilations long term.

I got a new band replacement last November with hiatal hernia repair done, and I have great restriction with NO reflux.

It can be done, but I would ONLY consult a very experienced lap band surgeon that has done over 500 bands, my new surgeon has placed over 600 bands and is experienced with revisions – that matters.

Also if you have GERD now, it's more likely that you have a hiatal hernia that you may not know about, surgeons don't know until they get in and see your anotomy.

The reason I did not revise to the Sleeve there is a very high rate of Sleevers experiencing reflux – regardless if you had a previous GERD past or not,  and some have it so severe the only fix is to revise to the Bypass, I asked my old surgeon this question when he was trying to shove the Sleeve down my throat before my rebanding last year and I asked him about what if I get horrible reflux with the Sleeve long term and his response was – we can then revise you to the Bypass, THAT answer made me search for a very experience band surgeon to reband me.

I am very happy with my new band and restriction, and losing weight again like a newbie at 8 years post op and currently reflux free.

Edited to add: A well fitted lap band WITH a hiatal hernia repair will CURE REFLUX AND GERD, it has for me, you just have to find a very experienced lap band surgeon to do it. This is the first time in over 20 years that I don't have to take PPi's (acid reducers) and that is a good feeling, since long term PPi's can cause bone loss.

The band placement WITH hiatal hernia repair will keep the acid from the stomach from rising up in the esophagus and damaging the esophagus. When the band is tighten (but not too tight) it keeps the acid from rising up in the esophagus.

Good luck


on 10/16/13 2:50 am

NO!! A "WELL PLACED" BAND with a Hernia  WILL NOT!!!!!!!!! Prevent Reflux 

Sorry but I really Can't tolerate People that come to this Forum or ANY other and ACT like they are a DOCTOR!!! 

 In My Humble Opinion NO one with Barrett's should be banded. the band is already a high pressure system that can/does cause stress on the esophagus. 

If your interested in the True complications with the Lap Band check out Allergan's site they list ALL of them and they All happen Frequently!! not 1-5% of the time but more likely at a rate of 50% of the timesurprise 







NanaB .
on 10/16/13 3:01 am
On October 16, 2013 at 9:50 AM Pacific Time, annie0039 wrote:

NO!! A "WELL PLACED" BAND with a Hernia  WILL NOT!!!!!!!!! Prevent Reflux 

Sorry but I really Can't tolerate People that come to this Forum or ANY other and ACT like they are a DOCTOR!!! 

 In My Humble Opinion NO one with Barrett's should be banded. the band is already a high pressure system that can/does cause stress on the esophagus. 

If your interested in the True complications with the Lap Band check out Allergan's site they list ALL of them and they All happen Frequently!! not 1-5% of the time but more likely at a rate of 50% of the timesurprise 

Sorry but MY well placed band did. You can't speak for EVERYONE'S Band. Will I ever get reflux again as long as I have my current band? I don't know but RIGHT NOW, I have great restriction with NO reflux.

And it's NOT your place to place doom and gloom on everyone that has a lap band. If I ever get reflux down the road....I will deal with it as I've dealt with it with my old band either take PPi's just LIKE MANY SLEEVERS - or get it removed.(happy I have that option with the band)...if it the reflux gets unbearable-- but right now I will ride my well placed band with no issues...and hope for the best.

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