Found my Sweet Spot again, after 8 years! And it's pretty Sweet!!

NanaB .
on 10/12/13 10:12 pm, edited 10/13/13 12:11 am

This is a good feeling to be over 8 years post and feel like a "newbie" again, I have not had "great restriction in over 5 years, I had to "wing it" and "diet" with my old band because I would get reflux every time I would try to fill it optimally.

I only experienced the "sweet spot" with my old 4cc band briefly in my 1st and 2nd year, and then got too tight, dilated my pouch (which as very easy to do with the old 4cc bands), and plus I had a hiatal hernia that made it tough for me to stay in the green zone "without reflux" so I kept my band on the loose side, I was still successful with my old band but -- I had to constantly be on acid reducers.

I got rebanded last November hiatal hernia repaired old band removed and new 10cc AP band placed at the same time. It took 3 hours for my surgeon to remove the old band, "clean up adhesion's left by the old band", repair the hiatal hernia, and place the new AP 10cc band.

From lessons learned with my old band, I took my fills "a bit slow" this time around, I could have gotten aggressive a few months ago, but I wanted to make SURE that my band was totally healed before I got "tight" with my new band.

Fast forward 11 months post op with my NEW band, I've finally found the SWEET SPOT :D . Honestly I did not know if I would find the "SPOT" again with this new AP band, it feels different than my old band, it's very easy on my body, my old 4cc  band had "KICK @SS" restriction, they were much tighter out of the gate, and many lost weight very quickly -- but they are also "dangerous" to many long term, some old timers are still kicking their old 4cc bands with little to no issues, but most are not.

What does my sweet spot feel like for me? Since my last fill, I have about 6.9ccs in my 10cc band and I noticed right away, I was no longer hungry, and then when I attempt to eat anything I get satisfied real quick.

The weird thing is that when I had "less restriction" I would get hungry and eat for example, a chicken leg and I would slime if I ate too quickly, but with MORE restriction and at my sweet spot, I can only eat 2 bites of chicken and stop, no sliming no stuck feeling, just full to the top.

I ate 4 grapes for lunch yesterday and 1 cup of chocolate soy milk with Unjury powder, AND THAT WAS IT....I had to make myself eat a piece of cheese last night, COULD I EAT MORE? Yes, but my hunger is GONE ...I've finally achieve the feeling of satiety and don't have reflux or vomiting and that is a great feeling, it's like a "high" once you reach the sweet spot, I can't explain it much further.

What are the benefits of my "sweet spot" --- I got on the scale this morning and I am down 8 pounds :P since a week in a half (without exercise) -- Now I will be getting on my treadmill daily again..

To the newbies -- my advice --- take it slow, let your body heal before you start to get aggressive with fills, I know it can be tough when you are first banded and hungry -- but the rewards are worth the wait, once you get near the green zone, only add small amounts to sneak up on your sweet spot.


My biggest thanks is to my surgeon Dr Ku, for fixing me!

Member Services
on 10/14/13 3:41 am - Irvine, CA

(deactivated member)
on 10/14/13 11:58 pm

the lap band will keep working the longest. usually ppl go thin then back to fat in a matter of 4-5 years i was told.

keep growing and learning,


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