Full Circle

on 10/9/13 2:49 pm - KY

I am now 36 years old, and I am just now beginning to learn that I can't play this game by "my rules". A little bit of history about my story: I was banded in 2007 - ironically the same date as today 10-09. I lost around 60 pounds. I had a child in 2009, and a revision to my band in 2010. My port flipped, bust was fixed after surgery. I have been doing everything in the world to lose weight other than utilize this band that is within me. I started drinking during meals and after meals. I stopped going for fills and maintenance. I basically had this band sitting in me doing nothing but collecting dust. Today is my 6th year band anniversary, and because I have realized that I have come full circle once again only to be empty handed, back at square 1. I have one of the original 4 cc bands. Today I got a fill: I hadn't had one in over 2 years. I think I can do this again - I have to do this again. I almost need re-educated on what to do. Feeling hopeless and hopeful all at once.

Surgery Date 10-9-07  318.3lbs.


Member Services
on 10/10/13 1:45 am - Irvine, CA

Congratulations on taking control of your life and health. Keep us posted on your success!

on 10/10/13 1:54 am

Wishing you the best of LUCK on Success!!







on 10/10/13 3:43 am - West Monroe, LA
I wish you great success with your restart with the band. Keep us all informed on how things work for you. Take is nice and slow and remember good eating habits.

on 10/10/13 6:00 am - Vancouver, WA

Good luck to you and if you need info on how to use the band again read the info on the right hand side of this page.

on 10/13/13 8:57 pm - Ralston, NE

I also was banded in 2007, 10/3/07.  I originally lost 66 lbs and then at one point had a fill that was apparently too much, lots of vomiting.  Instead of consulting with my Dr., I blamed myself.  I felt I was eating too much or the wrong things and I could fix "IT".  By the time I realized that I could not fix it, the damage was done and I have never been able to get back on track.  I have gained back 60 lbs of the original weight I lost.

I'm 59 years old in August and was also blessed with my first grandchild in August.  I had always imagined myself as a fun, energetic grandmother.  Nothing could be further from the truth right now.  I want to be that person for myself and for her.  I already had a plan in place for this week to do the 5-day pouch test (while my hubby is gone fishing), make an appointment with my Dr., and start back to my water aerobics class.  


glad I logged on this morning and read your post.  You described my feelings so well, feeling hopeless and hopeful all at the same time.  We both have come full circle and are starting over again.  Best of luck to you.  WE can do this!

on 10/14/13 12:30 am - Davison, MI

Good luck to the both of you ladies.  I would think getting everything checked out with doc would/is a good first step.  Do your centers have support groups?  If so, getting there would be a good thing for the two of you. What about a back on track class?  Ours offerers a class for a small fee per class.  The big things for me was getting back to journaling to see what was really going into my mouth.  Also I started seeing a therapist which specializes in WLS eating issues.  She herself had ERNY.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

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