Back at it
Well if you CAN just drink as teeny, tiny, itsy, bitsy sip it's probably won't hurt but you have to be able to not then take a big gulp. Maybe put a glass where you can reach it but not right on the table so you don't forget and grab a chug! I do sometimes have to wet my whistle when food is very dry but I try to keep my food moist so I don't have to sip anything.
on 10/11/13 7:50 pm
il the
Did you know that drinking with meals is a learned behavior? It is! Babies don't do it not until they learn to do so.
If you can learn a behavior, you an unlearn it!!!!!!!!
I have a hard time not sipping with meals too :(

Maureen Tired of Living my Life in the Dark
I have to say that that is the only thing I have not struggled I'm six+ years and still don't drink after eating. At least 30 minutes but usually an hour. I used an egg timer while home and just got into the habit. When we go out, I don't order a drink of anything. Just wait for my food. I'm up over 40 lbs from carbs and losing control of my eating, so have my own struggle. Maybe putting the timer on after a meal? I also became a big reader and start to read. Before you know it, 30 minutes have passed...anyway..good luck and keep up the good work.