For all the People who fell of the wagon and have gained back weight

on 7/19/13 12:36 am - bohemia, NY

I have fallen off the wagon and have gained some weight back want to get back into this asap.  I have in the last year who has told me that I need to eat more now with the Lap band diet it's a huge differnce in calories.  I started to follow and what do you know I gianed weight that's with even working out 4x's a week mind you I never really worked out much when I lost all my weight.  Has anyone had exp. with this and did you go back to band way of life.  I pretty much do that but I seem to gain and gain I also have late night eating habits that I had lost for years they are back and my love is chips and dip dip is really my problem any ideas how to not be hungry after 8Pm.   I would get a fill but I have a lot trouble with my band being to tight after fills and they always end of taking some out.  Has anyone tried the 5 days band diet 2 day liquids 1 day soft proteins 1 day firm protein then 1 day of solid protein.  I just want to get a jump start without having to go on liquids.  So frustrating grrrrrrr


Any ideas suggestions are much appreciated also if anyone has drink ideas I like to enjoy a drink or two not the best I know.


Thanks all!!! =)

on 7/19/13 12:41 am - bohemia, NY

Nutritionist told me to eat more by the way in the first part of my post.


on 7/19/13 3:50 am - Davison, MI

I was a night time eater too.  When my band would get so tight I couldn't eat until night and than I had a choice of protein shake or chips and dip.  Yes most nights that was my choice too.

If your only eating at night because of issues not related to the band than the would be emotional eating - boredom.  This has always been my biggest issue.  Than you need to find some thing to do after 8 to do, besides watching food commercials on TV.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 7/19/13 4:06 am - FL

I've gained 40 lbs back over the last two years, after getting off 100. I started eating whatever, not following any rules and quit working out. I let everything side, all at the same time, too.   So now...I went on full liquids for a week(with my daughter who was pre op sleeve) and  now I'm doing two protein shakes plus a dinner. It helps having a "buddy" to do it with. I'm down 4 lbs in a few weeks..not much, but a start. I'm exercising again and going to my surgeon's support group. My band is as tight as I want. I have gerd which is controlled with a daily ppi, so don't need any more fluid. I started reading at night, which has helped.  When I went to my surgeon, he suggested the full liquids to detox from carbs. I fought it a little, but ended up doing it. It IS frustrating and I promised myself years ago that I would never give up or gain, but not kicking myself...we must keep trying.  I'm surprised I have not lost more, but I'm almost seven years older than when I was banded...yikes! 

on 7/20/13 6:08 am - Davison, MI

Judy just a fyi, you don't have to do liquids to detox from carbs.  The shakes that our center had us on, made the way they required, was really high in carbs.  I do an all meat diet and the Nectar no carb shakes to detox from carbs.  When I make it thru it really makes a difference.

How is the daughter doing with her sleeve?

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 7/20/13 6:42 am - FL

Daughter doing fabulous, thanks for asking. She is six weeks out, down 31 lbs and hit onderland. She is 20y/o and in college so this is making a huge difference in her health(diabetes type 1 and 2) and also her self esteem. I'm back on regular food, trying to do low carb...emphasis on "trying"....not a very successful day, today for me, but will dust myself off yet again!  Carbs are the very devil!


on 7/20/13 7:24 am - Davison, MI

WOW!  That girl is doing great!  Yep, dusting off here again too.  Today is a good day, yesterday started that way....  

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 7/19/13 5:53 am - Vancouver, WA

While I haven't regained what very little I lost with the band I have been able to maintain by sticking with the basic WLS diet plan of dense protein first and then non starchy veggies. I tend not to be so hungry at night but when I am I usually eat a few almonds because they are so dense that just a few fill me up. I also knit and crochet to keep my fingers busy. So you are gonna have to just make yourself not eat chips and dip at night. Maybe make sure you have something healthier ready to eat in the frig like a ham and cheese rollup or like I do some nuts. I think whoever told you to eat more is crazy, you don't need more you need healthier. Also stay away from carbs as much as you can (stay under maybe 40 gms a day) they tend to make you want more. I think if you do your basic protein first and then veggies you should see a difference. Good luck!

on 7/21/13 10:20 am
I had bypass, lost 110 lbs or so, gained back about 40. I was hungry all the time. Turns out my stoma was enlarged so good was flushing through my stomach and I was hungry 15 min after eating.

I recently got the band over bypass. I'm definitely not at the point of restriction. I'm eating too many calories but trying not to...I'm at about 1400 calories a day, exercising 5x a week. I just found out I'm hypothyroid too, and I have a blood test tomorrow for insulin resistance.

Here's to hoping I get restriction soon. Good luck with your diet. Maybe we can be between newbies together

Highest weight 250/ SW 233/Lowest Weight 135/Regain Highest 175/Current Weight 160

on 7/22/13 2:29 am

Everyone, I am sorry to tell you, you can never go off the lap band diet.  It is what it is. 

If you keep it too tight, you will have problems. If you keep it looser you have to diet.  It is your choice what to do.  But that is the reality of the lap band.

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