Please Tell Me!
Why would one lie and hide?! Cheerleaders need to be as vocal about their bands NOT working as they were about how damn awesome they thought their bands were!!!!!!!!!!! Please people! PAY IT FORWARD! Share your experiences in hopes that a pre-op will read it an NOT go through what you went through with your bands!
Hi there! Missed reading your posts!!! glad you came out of hiding!!!
Thanks so much! I may not post again for another 4 or 5 months. I rarely even come here anymore since my posts are moderated. Not much sense of even bothering, and since there are so many on the failed band groups that need open honest help with their band issues that seems like a more effective place for me to be.
I hope your partner is doing better! Hugs!!!
Glad to see you back Maria. I missed you.
Thanks PV! As I mentioned to SFnative though, it may be quiet awhile before I come here again. After 2 years they still moderate my posts, so not much reason even bother to come here.
Glad you were able to revise! Hugs!
My band is coming out 7/9 if not sooner. The combination of lb and HH repair needs to be guided by more testing to prevent irreparable damage and accomplish the mission of losing to a healthy bmi.
Steph I am sorry you have had such severe complications. I have been shocked to see just how many bandsters end up having permanent damage from their Lapbands!!! :-( Good luck with your removal!
mshollsten SO sorry you've had to endure the EGO of your surgeon,
I had to go through the same thing JERKS! I didn't have your surgeon but I had one that let me suffer and openly told me that the problems I had were NOT band related, well I had it taken out and the symptoms are GONE!! (explain that one to me anyone) I dare you
my surgeon's ignorant comment post removal was" Well I guess you taught me something"
I've read negative comments about your surgeon before, and I believe if more people Rated their surgeons online AND THE NEGATIVE ratings are 1 or 2 and the positive are 3-4 BELIEVE THE NEGATIVE FIRST , there's a reason someone took the time to post a negative rating ;)
Again, sorry you've had to go through that pain, You'll be Happier with it gone!