Hi! I'm new here!
The Only thing that I know about the Slimband is that it Looks exactly like the LapBand here in the USA . Designed the same and has a port and tubing, it seems as though they are saving that they will do a fill before you even leave the operating table and you will need LESS fills afterwards? They also make it appealing to everyone becasue the cost is lowerMy lap band cost $26,000 some information says the Slimband is $16,000 I couldn't find the name of manufacturer, BUT they appear to be making it sound like it's the Best Surgical WL device ever. I THINK NOT!!
RESEARCH, RESEARCH RESEARCH other WL options PLEASE. The medical community makes all these claims about the Lap band BUT never gives comsumers the FACTS
If you read through all the postings about the Lap Band here and on other sites you will find that FEW people have had TRUE lasting success, The Lap Band is NOT permanent and I don't know aobut you but I don't want to have another surgery. Unfortunately I feel I'm going to have to.
Meds are a "depending on the day" sort of thing for me If I've had a fill nothing larger than a pencil erasure, sometimes I try and it just seems to be stuck WHICH is terrible! becasue it's uncomfortable and I can't eat and sometimes i'm in pain. The only suggestion I get is to Crush the pill it is I need to take, THIS isn't always possible, other times it taste horrid.
I dont Hate my band I've been susccessful at losing weight but at what cost STARVATION (I'm not exaggerating) So would I do it again? NO I'd research other options. just my Opinion
I'm actually getting over an ear infection and sinus infection and had to take several medicines. Two of which were large. A generic version of Allegra-D and my antibiotic was rather large too. I had no problems swallowing them. But I have no problems eating or swallowing anything ever and I have 9.8 cc's in my band. So go figure....
I just wanted to say that not everyone has to give up the large pills.
Thanks for all the info. I will check out the Ontario forum, too.
Regarding the sleeve or other similar options, I don't want to do anything that can't be reversed. With the problems I have from pain and related depression, I don't want to take the chance of having something go wrong that can't ever be fixed. KWIM? That is why I am looking at banding. If I wind up having too many problems, I know it can be altered or removed. But if I did the sleeve, I can't ever get back my stomach that was removed.
Please believe me when I say that I am truly trying to help you. I also believed all the things you've said. However, the band does alter your anatomy. It alters it a LOT... and it damages.
I had my band removed 8 years ago and still have pain from the damage it caused. And it's not just me. It happens all the time. Just the presence of the band in a human body causes scar tissue to form... and it builds up... causing significant pain. It affects the nerves that run through the diaphragm and into the stomach.
Worst of all, after you go through all of this, the chance of keeping the band for a lifetime is virtually zero. So, you will be put in a position of having to decide if you want to go through surgery again because it will be an inevitability. You may have too much damage to be able to revise to another form of WLS after banding.
I said almost the exact same words, "if it doesn't work, I will get it removed." And I did have it removed, but I sure have some unpleasant reminders of what it did to my stomach. Can you see all the posts on the Revisions forum? Most of them are revising FROM the band ... that right there should be a red flag. The complications don't just happen to "other people."
Please save yourself a lot of pain, especially if you're already experiencing depression and pain. It just breaks my heart to think of yet another person going through this.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
on 2/21/13 8:24 pm, edited 2/21/13 8:24 pm
Congrats KapowChicky on your decision to choose the Band! You are a very wise woman. Like you I did not want a procedure that I could NOT reverse if problems crop up down the road. Well for me I am going on 8 years post op with my band, I had a problem "crop up down the road" last year, it was a haital hernia, but the good news was, it was not serious nor caused me to be hospitalized, but in order for me to use my band again effectively I had to get my hernia repaired.
Back in 2005 many surgeons were not that skilled with the band and were not routinely repairing hernias, now surgeons have much more experience with banding and if I was choosing ANY weight loss surgery TODAY, I would choose the band over any just because they are much safer and surgeons have much more experience. But again, things can happen and no weight loss surgery is full proof, but the lap band is the only risk I was willing to take 8 years ago and still the only risk I will take today.
I am very happy that I decided to get a new band when I got my hernia repaired instead of revising to the Sleeve -- I have perfect restriction now, and can't eat but a few bites of solids, no vomiting, reflux or heartburn, I just gently get satisfied, but I made SURE than my band surgeon was VERY SKILLED more than my first surgeon, my new surgeon had installed over 500 bands and very band friendly -- that MATTERS! and will be your first defense against a good banded life.
Also, after reading this article on so many Bypass and Sleeve patients are in clinical trails for long term Reactive Hypoglycemia, which can be deadly and debilitating long term if it is severe, many people get these surgeries and don't know they are ginnie pigs, the Sleeve is still new and now they are starting to see that the Sleeve will stretch out among other issues.
Original Lap Band * 9/30/2005 * 4cc 10cm band*, lost 130 pounds. 7 Great years!
Revision surgery to AP small lap band *11/13/2012*, due to large hiatal hernia. I am hopeful about continuing my band journey uneventful and successful. I loved what my old band did for me and I am looking forward for my new band to Keep my weight down
Congrats KapowChicky on your decision to choose the Band! You are a very wise woman. Like you I did not want a procedure that I could NOT reverse if problems crop up down the road. Well for me I am going on 8 years post op with my band, I had a problem "crop up down the road" last year, it was a haital hernia, but the good news was, it was not serious nor caused me to be hospitalized, but in order for me to use my band again effectively I had to get my hernia repaired.
Back in 2005 many surgeons were not that skilled with the band and were not routinely repairing hernias, now surgeons have much more experience with banding and if I was choosing ANY weight loss surgery TODAY, I would choose the band over any just because they are much safer and surgeons have much more experience. But again, things can happen and no weight loss surgery is full proof, but the lap band is the only risk I was willing to take 8 years ago and still the only risk I will take today.
I am very happy that I decided to get a new band when I got my hernia repaired instead of revising to the Sleeve -- I have perfect restriction now, and can't eat but a few bites of solids, no vomiting, reflux or heartburn, I just gently get satisfied, but I made SURE than my band surgeon was VERY SKILLED more than my first surgeon, my new surgeon had installed over 500 bands and very band friendly -- that MATTERS! and will be your first defense against a good banded life.
Also, after reading this article on so many Bypass and Sleeve patients are in clinical trails for long term Reactive Hypoglycemia, which can be deadly and debilitating long term if it is severe, many people get these surgeries and don't know they are ginnie pigs, the Sleeve is still new and now they are starting to see that the Sleeve will stretch out among other issues.
I totally agree. Except, of course, you probably meant to say, "It will be the first step toward a good banded life." But I do agree with "against a good banded life," because there's really no such thing... just levels of acceptance and tolerance of pain, puking and damage
I've never been a 'ginnie pig"... is that a new species? Do they drink a lot of gin?
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
on 2/22/13 8:29 am, edited 2/22/13 8:30 am
Yes, Ginnie Pigs are people that get weight loss surgeries, and have NO CLUE what the long term effects are, they are just eager for a immediate fix....but guinea pigs are people who do things for medical science for a small fee, and could care less of the long term or short term outcomes will be on their bodies.....and Yes...I know the difference between ginnie pig and guinea pig
...I am just happy that I am not a ginnie pig
Original Lap Band * 9/30/2005 * 4cc 10cm band*, lost 130 pounds. 7 Great years!
Revision surgery to AP small lap band *11/13/2012*, due to large hiatal hernia. I am hopeful about continuing my band journey uneventful and successful. I loved what my old band did for me and I am looking forward for my new band to Keep my weight down
This is my opinion -
If you do the Band, you can have lifelong damage to your stomach. Believe me, I was exactly like you. I had no intention of getting a procedure that would not be reversible. I believed in the band and really believed it was the best choice for me.
Now that I have the Sleeve, I cannot believe I lived with the LapBand for so long. The quality of life was really poor and the fact that I had to have it removed - due to increased scar tissue and my tubing wrapped around my internal organs makes me sick! The thought that i was so close to having permanent damage is something that scares me when i think of recommending it to others.
I have friends who have had permanent damage. Damage that has caused dismotility to the place that these poor people will never have their stomachs back.
The Sleeve removes 85% of your stomach, this is true. But the quality of life is wonderful. I have had it now for almost 5 months and have not had one problem.
Imagine how depressed you will be IF you have problems with the LapBand and are not able to lose your excess weight.
Lost 271lbs with my LapBand in 22 months! My Band malfunctioned and I gained almost 42lbs and then revised to the Sleeve 9/24/12! I lost another 140 lbs with my Sleeve! Loved the LapBand and Lovin' The Sleeve!
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