What are you eating today (Wednesday) or yesterday?

on 2/5/13 7:57 pm


Here's my plan for today.  I tend to eat very similar each day, I have found things that work for me.  So far, not bored.

B- Fiber one and yogurt

S- Protein shake

L- Tuna on thin whole wheat bread and cauliflower

S- Berries and cheese

D- Fish and a veggie

S- 1/4c nuts

Jean M.
on 2/5/13 11:23 pm
Revision on 08/16/12

I kind of wish I didn't get bored with food so quickly because that might simplify my life. But the boredom keeps me looking for new foods or recipes to try, and that has got to help keep my nutrition good. Or at least OK. 

Today’s food plan:

B: protein latte
S: hot bulgur wheat cereal w/ walnuts & a dollop of Greek yogurt
S: Fiber One brownie
L: leftover shrimp & broccoli
D: pear w/ Babybel cheese
S: trail mix
S: Fiber One chocolate cereal (dry)

I did the butts & guts class today. I got a cortisone shot in my right hip yesterday (because of bursitis) and the injection site was a little tender, but I managed to work around it. My internist gave me a shot of lidocaine before he did the cortisone shot, so all I felt was some pressure as the needle went in. Then he said, "All done," and I began to laugh. I had to tell him the story about one of my first band fills (done without lidocaine). I asked my surgeon, "So, how much are you going to put in this time?" and he said, "It's already done. You can sit up now. I added .5 cc."



Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com 





on 2/6/13 8:13 am

Sorry your hip is bothering you, hope the shot helps!  I find a limited menu keeps it simple and me feeling in control.  When I like something I can eat it all the time.  Nuts got the better of me tonight- had more than I planned.  still not a bad day, especially compared to what I was eating 3 or 4 weeks ago.

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