
throw up

on 1/1/13 11:30 am

Does anyone else wake up choking and throwing up?  I have had the band for 3 yrs, its been a very slow process, I mean slow!  I have lost 43 pounds.  But now I have not had a fill in over a year and I'm sliming and afraid to sleep!  Help, is this just me?


Thanks in advance!


on 1/1/13 11:50 am - Hartford, CT

talk to your surgeon. that's not normal. i've had the band for coming up on two years this month. never had either issue. the only time i ever throw up is when i eat too fast or don't chew my food enough, but never right from sleeping.

on 1/1/13 12:34 pm - TN

Sorry to hear about your trouble...that sounds miserable. I'd get in for an unfill right away and to discuss what may be causing this...what are you waiting for? It is crazy to be afraid to sleep!

I experienced random tightening when I had my band, so its not just you, it happens, but please do not ignore this.

Keep us updated!



NanaB .
on 1/1/13 5:18 pm, edited 1/1/13 5:27 pm

Two things, your band is too tight or/and has already slipped. choking at night means that your band has already slipped especially if you have not had a fill in a long time. Please see your surgeon immediately for a unfill, before your situation gets urgent and you have to get it removed in an emergency. This does not get better without an unfill or surgical fix.

Original Lap Band * 9/30/2005 * 4cc 10cm band*,  lost 130 pounds. 7 Great years! 

Revision surgery to AP small lap band *11/13/2012*, due to large hiatal hernia. I am hopeful about continuing my band journey uneventful and successful. I loved what my old band did for me and I am looking forward for my new band to Keep my weight downsmiley

Bette B.
on 1/1/13 8:32 pm

Also remember that it may be caused by eating too late in the day/too close to bed time. Make sure you stop eating at least an hour or two before you go to bed.


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

Kate -True Brit
on 1/1/13 9:20 pm - UK



You have been told on this thread that this means your band has slipped. Well, this is possible. But not inevitable! 

But whatever the cause, this should not happen. I got mild reflux, not as bad as yours, about three years post-op and a very small unfill sorted it out for me.  You need to get back to your doc a.s.a.p.. 

Meanwhile, sleep propped up, don't eat for several hours before bedtime, avoid caffeine, spicy foods, alcohol.

Best wishes.


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/1/13 9:24 pm - KS
DS on 01/24/13
Yup......i sometimes had to sleep in my recliner. I have had this band coming up on 6 years in May and cannot wait to get it out in 22 days. You need to talk to your doc. They unfilled me completely when this happened to me...literally....that was my alarm clock that morning. Good luck to u.
on 1/2/13 2:30 am - Hollywood, FL

Get in to see your doctor immediately!


Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE  BYE  130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU!  Time for a Head adjustment!    **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift

        Exercise    is not a LUXURY!

        Exercise  is a  NECESSITY

on 1/2/13 2:55 am, edited 1/2/13 2:56 am

From my experience, I do not think you have a slip because you can eat during the day. I had severe reflux before my band was removed. I had a total unfill, stopped eating and drinking anything even water for 4 hours prior to bed. I never had reflux and was always able to eat and drink up until I got into bed prior to my band acting up. I was exactly like you vomiting and choking acid. I was a nightmare!

Lost 271lbs with my LapBand in 22 months!  My Band malfunctioned and I gained almost 42lbs and then revised to the Sleeve 9/24/12!  I lost another 140 lbs with my Sleeve!  Loved the LapBand and Lovin' The Sleeve!

NanaB .
on 1/2/13 9:23 pm

You mentioned:

 I do not think you have a slip because you can eat during the day. I had severe reflux before my band was removed.

All lap band slips are not the same, and not all slips are URGENT. Reflux and choking at night is classic "Pouch Dilation" a minor slip that can progress into a full Prolapsed band slippage if saline is not removed in time.

Pouch dilations can be managed by totally unfilling the band and rest period and not keeping the band too tight.. This poster will not know for sure until she has diagnostic testing, Pouch dilation and small slippages DO NOT SHOW up on Upper Gi's, mine never did. My original surgeon knew I had a dilation from being too tight after a recent fill the second year of banding, but since he calibrated my pouch he knew that it was a bit larger, but my new surgeons could not tell. 

With a NORMAL HEALTHY LAP BAND, you do not experience reflux or choking or regurgitation, this can be also caused by a hiatal hernia too, either way whether it's a small slippage or hiatal hernia, they both require surgical fix to treat , if this poster wants optimal restriction again. Can you live with mild band slippage? Sure MANY people do for years, but the band does not work properly at optimal restriction levels without vomiting or some type of reflux.

People on this board are not too honest about their band issues, I've learned over going on 8 years with it.

Original Lap Band * 9/30/2005 * 4cc 10cm band*,  lost 130 pounds. 7 Great years! 

Revision surgery to AP small lap band *11/13/2012*, due to large hiatal hernia. I am hopeful about continuing my band journey uneventful and successful. I loved what my old band did for me and I am looking forward for my new band to Keep my weight downsmiley
