Christmas Challenge 12/16 What do you weigh?
on 12/14/12 11:35 pm
The chart is on my work computer which is with the tech team because it has a virus. So I couldn't update it last week. I am happy to report that I am down 2 more pounds 242. So I am hoping to lose another 2 pounds this week. That will only be 4 for the 6 week because I gained and lost but at least in the end I will not have gained.
Maybe someone will start a New Year's challenge.
I stayed the same this week.

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16
I lost 1 pound! Yeah!!!!!! Finally!!!! I am back to 155, need to get to 145.
This is what 1 pound looks like...
My mini goal , I will aim at losing 5 next, this is what 5 pounds looks like....
that ugly yellow thing next to my thigh!
Damn it looks about the size of my thigh!!!!!!
Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE BYE 130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU! Time for a Head adjustment! **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift
Exercise is not a LUXURY!
Exercise is a NECESSITY