Over filled and fickle band anyone?

on 12/13/12 10:20 pm - bohemia, NY


I got a fill the other day and I'm having trouble eating almost everything but before the fill I had no real restriction at all.  Is there anyone who has a a very fickle band.  I barely have any fill in there at all should I wait it out another week it got really bad yes a litle better today so far.


on 12/14/12 12:31 am - Hartford, CT

before i had the 3CCs out this week for pregnancy, i had my doc do fills of .5ccs because a full cc and i start getting stuck on everything from water to solid food. how much is your doc putting in at a time? he dropped down from a 1cc to .5cc when i kept complaining about being overfilled. after that, didn't have much of an issue except when eating foods that typically get stuck or eating too fast.

on 12/14/12 1:27 am - Warwick, RI

You may need a little taken out! Don't wait if you still have issues have some fluid removed.

It usually takes my fills a few days before I notice a different. I am almost at my sweet spot.. just another small fill I will be good I think.

on 12/14/12 7:20 am - Vancouver, WA

It is far better to be on the loose side than to be tight at all, being tight causes slips and all kinds of issues. It is always better to be loose and use some self control than to be too tight.


Denise R.
on 12/14/12 11:22 pm - Manchester, NH
Yes get it taken out. I was overfilled on a Wednesday , 0.5 cc taken out Thursday and then total obstruction Friday night and ended up in the emergency room all fluid removed and two days in the hospital while swelling went down. Very scary not being able to swallow. Don't stay overfilled it really hurts. Best of luck
on 12/16/12 11:56 pm - bohemia, NY

Thanks everyone for the advice  it's just so annoying!!!

on 12/20/12 11:21 pm - Athens, GA


There is such a fine line with many bandsters between "too tight"............and "can eat anything, and everything". For many of us the "sweet spot" just doesn't exist. Be very careful about overfills though. That can be dangerous! Good luck.




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