Endoscopy with a side of lemon
I had my endoscopy today by a GI (I had to see him for other reasons) and there is what appears to be a lemon wedge protruding from one side of the images. I can see what I am guessing is the tube to the port attached to it and then the tube passing throuogh what I am going to assume is my stomach wall. Now, it may just be me....but the lap band shouldn't be visible from inside the stomach/esophagus should it? Anyone have similar imaging or images of a "normal" post lap band endoscopy they would like to share. I can't seem to find any on google and I'm a geek and want to see for myself.
Oh and yes, the GI recommends removal of the band. It's getting the general (bariatric) surgeon to agree since I asked for that before the CT of my chest and Upper GI (which was "normal").
*****Adding Pic*****
on 12/12/12 5:42 pm
Wow! Thanks for sharing this picture, you can actually see some infection, the dots? I am so sorry this happened to you, what were your symptoms? Did you have loss of restriction?, I hear that the most common symptom of erosion.
Original Lap Band * 9/30/2005 * 4cc 10cm band*, lost 130 pounds. 7 Great years!
Revision surgery to AP small lap band *11/13/2012*, due to large hiatal hernia. I am hopeful about continuing my band journey uneventful and successful. I loved what my old band did for me and I am looking forward for my new band to Keep my weight down
Wow! Thanks for sharing this picture, you can actually see some infection, the dots? I am so sorry this happened to you, what were your symptoms? Did you have loss of restriction?, I hear that the most common symptom of erosion.
I've just been having horrible left sided pain just up and the left of my port, under my ribs. It hurts to heat, and I get hiccups and have been burping a lot. The hiccups and burping are unusual as after banding I hadn't burped in like 2 years.
I actually had all the fluid removed from my band back in the spring because I was having some pain with swallowing and more episodes of being stuck with no apparent reason. I also had other health issues that required medication, mostly capsules and they always seemed to sit at the stoma since they float.
I'm not planning on it. Abdominoplasty and brachioplasty and I'm good with where I am even if I did only lose a total of 29lbs in 2 years and 8 months with the band. Gastric Bypass is just too drastic and I don't want to look like an anorexic toothpick. I may end up with a smaller stomach after all this anyhow.
I also added a picture from my endoscopy.

Yeah, besides the "foreign body" the only diagnosis I got was gastritis. Well, geez....I wonder why my stomach is irritated! O.o
I called the surgeon the next day. I won't even be seen until this coming Thursday. He was all about calling me to let me know how normal my upper GI swallow study was. But when I call him with the endoscopy results, I haven't heard a word from him. My last appointment he was so sure the pain I was having was not band related despite a CT scan stating they thought the band had slipped. He said he looked at the images and it looked fine to him. Still trying to figure out how my swallow study was normal. The radiologist states in the report that contrast went through as expected for a deflated band. *shrugs*