My baby is 71/2 months.. I was 185 before i had her, went up to 225. Day after i had her 210 and then 6 weeks down to 180 now im up to 205lbs.. they have unfilled my band and start filling it slowly to see if that would help. it doesnt. Im back up to 9cc. I have a increase in appetite and everything. I asked if something could be wrong with my band and to check but they said nothing was wrong. I have been back to crazy dieting and everything to lose it. nothing works. The hope i had with a working tool is gone cuz tool no longer works. I hate this .I dont have insurance now so i can get another surgery or a revision. Im sure i cant make the old insurance pay for it. TOO BAD! I am lost :(
First of all I am sending you hugs . I am so sorry this is happening. You sure don't need this. Is it possible you have a leak? If they draw out the amount you are supposed to have before a fill and find any missing it is a possibility. I would think another fill is in order at the least. Bandsters who have been unfilled often find that they need a whole different fill level when being refilled. Without insurance it is hard to recommend diagnostics because they are all so expensive.
The only suggestion I have is to cut out carbs unless they are the really good kind. Sometimes this will help blunt hunger and reduce cravings. Beyond that if you are weighing, measuring, and tracking your food, and getting at least the minimum of fluids, there is nothing I can think of other than pounding the protein, especially the very dense type, and the carbs that have lots of fiber to reduce hunger.
Good luck, I hope something changes for you. Please come here daily if you can to keep your spirits up and to be accountable.
I may do another fill im just not sure currently. Its taking everything i have not just to give up. I watch everything eat and drink. I only eat like 800 calories a day. I dont drink carbonated drinks at all. I follow the rules. Im not feeling full. They say there isnt a leak so i do not know what is up.I have to eat slow or it gets stuck so i have that but i dont feel full almost every i just stop eating cuz i dont wana get fat. I make good choices. I dont know what is wrong with me.
on 11/20/12 9:54 am
I would be hungry too if I only ate 800 calories a day.
Can you think about eating more whole foods -- and eating about 1,200 calories (broken into 6 200-calorie meals a day)?
I stay satisfied by eating frequently --- and make sure that I have protein at least 4 times a day.
So -- in the morning, I start with some water.
Then, I have oatmeal or greek yogurt or high-fiber cereal with a little milk
Then, about 2 hours later I have a piece of fruit
About 3 hours later I have lunch (protein, vegetable and a grain -- usually tuna, cucumbers, whole-grain crackers)
About 3 hours later, I have a piece of cheese or 10-12 almonds
2 or 3 hours later I have dinner -- protein, vegetable and grain (meat, broccoli, 1/4 baked sweet potato)
Before bed -- mid-evening I have some pudding or a piece of fruit or a cheese stick
I can do all of that (with lots of water in between) for about 1,200 calories and I don't feel hungry because I am eating all the time.
I hope you can get to a fill level that makes it easier for you --- but until then, maybe eating small, frequent protein-filled meals will help.
Your body has been through a lot. Anatomy changes big time and stress. I have heard ( others on this board Of course i am Not a doctor) say that our bands can get a lil more FILL than what they are. Ask if you can get another FILL or are you maxed out? Meet up wih a nutritionist, get back to support group (there can be someone there you can connect with on a personal level). There is Always a nugget of wisdom there. I never understood what " satisfied" was suppose to feel like, so i have always weighed and measured my foods, as we are suppose to eat to the point of satisfied And not "full". Journal on phone or post here on OH,monitor the carb count, go back to your hand book, we have a way of forgetting and that number increases lil by little. Of course exercise. and I swear by seeing a physc., Who deals with eating disorders, counseling never hurt anyone.
Keep us updated ,
Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE BYE 130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU! Time for a Head adjustment! **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift
Exercise is not a LUXURY!
Exercise is a NECESSITY
freguent meals make me more hungry.. the 800 calories is a lot of food actually its just very healthy food. protein, and fruit. and veggies.. they have checked for a leak and say there isnt one.. i dont know what else it could be. i want a revision so so bad but i dont have insurance anymore. OR just my band to be the tool i had before and work the same

Sorry I can't help I just wanted to let u know that your not alone, $20,000.00 down the drain what a shame
If anyone has a list if these rules please let me know, my surgeon just said to eat 1 cup of food at a time, what the hell does 1 cup of food look like, I swear the first time around I must have just been starving myself, what a joke.
Hugs! That is one of the frustrating things about the band. I have heard numerous time about bandsters doing well with their band and then BAM! It just quits working as it previously did. Sometimes after a baby, sometimes after an unfill, sometimes for just NO apparent reason! There are many bandsters that got restriction and lost well with their bands then had a complication. Because it had worked so well for them in the past, as far as weight loss, they got a 2nd band. Almost all bandsters that I know of that got a 2nd band it didn't work as well as the first. Lap-Bands can be soooooo unpredictable!
It sounds like you are now in the position that many of us are in............no insurance and stuck with a broken "tool". :-(