So embarassed.....

on 11/15/12 10:12 am - Spring, TX

Thanks for the hugs!   I will admit, that hardest thing for me is planning my meals. I don't get a lunch break at work, so that leads to frustration and eating the wrong things. Great suggestion about the counselor who addresses eating disorders! Most of my counselors in the past have been super-skinny, (no offense). A LOT of my food issues are emotional.

I have a nutrionist now because of my diabetes, so i'll have to tell her about my lap band.

I love your little icons!  Thank you so much!


on 11/15/12 10:08 am - Athens, GA


Hugs! My heart goes out to you! Losing a family member can be difficult, but to lose your son, well I know you must be devistated! Always remember that he died honorably doing a job that most men refuse to do. All military members are heros. They all do their part in working to protect our country. I know you are proud of him.

Now as far as the band........I realize that there are a lot of reasons that many don't lose with the band. No restriction/eating "around the band"/poor food choices/overeating..........but regardless.......the band even if it does work initially, according to stats is at best a temporary "solution". Most bands are removed after just a few years, and some stay in place not working. For that reason I would suggest seeking a revision. With the Type-2 diabetes that puts you at greater risk for a lot of more serious med conditions and I would hate to see you have to go on dialysis for instance, when it could more than likely be avoided by having a more effective WLS. The WLS's with the highest resolve rate for diabetes are:


Please check into those and if possible revise before the diabetes causes further health problems!!!


on 11/15/12 10:29 am - Spring, TX

Thank you for the hugs.....I am devastated, but still so proud of my baby boy...

Yes.,, my band was a miracle....saved my life. But now....i have brand new issues, and might need a new "tool" for success. I'm more angry than anything that I have diabetes, because its a result of the damage I've done to my body. I just turned 51 this past Sunday, (veteran's day), and if I don't do better....I know i'll get worse, and I don't want that.

Thanks for the suggestions and advice!


on 11/15/12 11:20 am - Athens, GA

Rhonda I have a friend right now that was in the process of getting WLS. He had checked into it a couple of yrs. ago and didn't do it. Then I talked to him about it last yr. and he started looking into it again but wasn't rushing. His sister had looked into it at the same time he did the yr. before. After that her health deteriorated and she ended up on dialysis. Well as I mentioned, he took his time when I tried to discuss it with him, then he finally decided on it. Well after that, the Dr. he decided to used retired, and his new Dr. had to wait till the local hospital was this added additional time. Anyway.......before he could get his surgery, his condition worstened just a few mos. ago and he is now on dialysis. I tell you this b/c it's human nature to want to "think about things". Or "wait and see"............but it's not always something that can be put off.

Now along the lines of "do as I say, and not as I do"............I realize that I am doing the same thing, and I need to get myself in gear and start my revision process!

So try to start your process also Rhonda. Your son would want you to go on and live a long and healthy life.


on 11/15/12 1:21 pm - Davison, MI

As Marie said the band isn't much help for diabetes.  The research bears out what she said bout you needing a different tool.  But, if you have to work with the one you have they are right about making sure you are lose enough.  If you have put weight on you are most likely to be too tight.

Good Luck to you and God Bless.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 11/15/12 1:31 pm - Vancouver, WA

Please DO NOT be shamed or embarrassed about regain because frankly I agree with Maria the band is not meant to be long term in fact the manufacturer NOW says oh it should only be in for 5-10 yrs. huh? When I got mine I was told it was forever! Well now we are finding that many, many bandsters can't keep theirs for even 2 or 3 years because of the damage a band does. What really concerns me  about your letter is the gerd and heart burn you say you are having especially since you are also vomiting because that can be a sign of a slip and at any rate the band should not make heart burn worse, that isn't a good sign. I strongly urge you to see your surgeon asap. It could be you are too tight but it could also be the band is causing damage to your stomach. Mine got tight feeling because of tissue build up under the band where it doesn't always show but you can certainly feel it in the form of gerd and heartburn. Not trying to scare you but these issues tend to show up around the 3-4 yr mark. I had to have mine emptied over a year ago to get rid of the heart burn.

If you do consider another surgery at some point I would suggest the sleeve, a great number of the revision people find it a very good replacement for the band and it doesn't strangle your stomach. It also leaves your pyloris intact which the bypass doesn't. This is just my choice after studying other surgeries, seems most like natural but whatever you may decide DO NOT look at yourself as a failure, you have not failed the band has! It is a set up for failure because seems to only work well for volume eaters but not well for most of the rest of us. Even some of our strongest band adocates have had to revise to another surgery because of issues with the band. So don't blame yourself for something you didn't do! I wish you all the best but if your new attempt at working the band doesn't work out don't feel badly about considering another surgery type! 

Jean M.
on 11/15/12 7:42 pm
Revision on 08/16/12

I'm so sorry you lost your son and that you're struggling with your eating and weight. I think the first thing you need to do is go back to see your surgeon and/or dietitian to talk about what's been going on and come up with an action plan. You may just need an unfill to allow you to eat healthy food without regurgitating it. Please don't let your shame prevent you from doing that. Your surgeon already knows you have an eating problem, and is well qualified to help you deal with it.

Good luck!


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: 





(deactivated member)
on 11/17/12 2:43 pm

On behalf I will speak for the RNY forum and send our sincere condolences on the loss of your son.   Many of us grew up in military families and understand the sacrifice he gave for us to have our freedom.  My heart goes out to you.....Jane

(deactivated member)
on 11/18/12 12:47 am - Califreakinfornia , CA

I just posted a very long thread over in the FBG, it's full of tips and advice. Feel free to add on to it !

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