
LIsa G.
on 11/11/12 8:34 pm, edited 11/12/12 2:36 am - Leitchfield, KY


NanaB .
on 11/11/12 9:59 pm, edited 11/11/12 10:11 pm


It sounds like you've been through a WHOLE LOT with your band and if I'd only lost 25 pounds in 5 years I would NOT be hopeful. Please remember you CAN EAT AROUND ANY weight loss surgery, it may be easier to eat around the band since there is no dumping or getting sick, but many even to learn to eat around the bypass and suffer through dumping syndrome.

I am not sure which band you have, but it seems like it's just not working out for you, the band SHOULD work to reduce hunger and limit eating and not a bulimic and painful eating device. I AM band supporter ONLY IF IT WORKS, but if the band is not working for you, and it seems like it's obviously not, it may be time for you to look at alternative options.

I do know one thing REGARDLESS if you keep the band or revise to another surgery YOU MUST HAVE YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME and be committed and focused on your weight loss goals. NO surgery will help you if you can't commit to low carb, high protein eating, and exercise.

However, the Sleeve may be your answer, I hear it is a bit more powerful than the band in the sense it may reduce hunger initially and may make you sick if you eat too many carbs or sweets and that may deter you from eating junk to get your weight off.

Also, it seems like you may have your hands full with your kids, and unfortunately with the band you MUST concentrate on YOU while you are losing weight and sometimes losing weight with the band IS A FULL TIME JOB and the band  REQUIRES CAREFUL EATING when you have tight restriction and this can cause too much vomiting if you are not careful.

Have you thought about counseling or joining a support group? If you are around supportive people that are going through the same thing, that may help motivate and encourage you. I've noticed people here will only post on the boards when they have a question, but I've also noticed those who were more successful with weight loss tended to be more active on these boards or have offline support system, IT REALLY HELPS.

Edited to add: Also, you may need to second guess YOUR SURGEON, your surgical staff may be FAILING YOU. You may not be being filled properly. You may need to find a new surgeon that is willing to fill you properly and listen to you.  Many people fail to lose weight if you are either too tight or too loose, you may need to check to see if you have a hernia, hernia's are notorious for causing the band NOT to work, because if you get GOOD restriction it may cause reflux with a hernia and if you are not tight enough then you may not stay on track. But, if you are not having those problems, and your band IS working, then you need to work on YOU.

But if you've learned from your past failures with the band and is ready to focus on a proper band diet, exercise, water, and full commitment, then you can DO IT. Good luck.


Original Lap Band * 9/30/2005 * 4cc 10cm band*,  lost 130 pounds. 7 Great years! 

Revision surgery to AP small lap band *11/13/2012*, due to large hiatal hernia. I am hopeful about continuing my band journey uneventful and successful. I loved what my old band did for me and I am looking forward for my new band to Keep my weight downsmiley

on 11/11/12 10:36 pm

So sorry for your struggles. I'm new here and trying to learn all I can. What do you mean by the term, "ate around the band?"


on 11/11/12 11:46 pm - Hartford, CT

the band is designed for eating 3-4 ounces in one sitting. it will not stop you from eating more, but you might throw up, but even that isn't guaranteed. if you eat what are called "slider" foods, you can each eat more than the 4oz and you will not lose weight, but can actually gain weight. slider foods like ice cream, pudding, high fat, high calorie foods that don't have any resistance in the band and pass right through.

on 11/12/12 12:08 am

I understand now. Thank you for clarifying!

NanaB .
on 11/12/12 12:29 am, edited 11/12/12 12:30 am

One GOOD example of eating around the band is actually having Optimal restriction and the patient working AGAINST the band..meaning instead of sipping a protein drink or eating some type of crock pot moist chicken and veggies, or yogurt...MANY PANIC and will eat foods that will easily slide down the band, ...they will eat EASY SLIDER UNHEALTHY FOODS LIKE....chips, candy, cookies, crackers, milkshakes, mashed potatoes with gravy, mac and cheese, and a host of other unhealthy or fried crunchy foods that is easy to slide down a very tight band, which may stop or slow weight loss.

ALSO...you can EAT UNLIMITED AMOUNTS OF SLIDER FOODS which can result in many more calories...SOLID FOODS will fill most lap banders up very quickly and a very tight band will make it difficult to eat a lot of SOLID FOOD, which can cause vomiting easily and often if they overeat or don't chew properly.

Original Lap Band * 9/30/2005 * 4cc 10cm band*,  lost 130 pounds. 7 Great years! 

Revision surgery to AP small lap band *11/13/2012*, due to large hiatal hernia. I am hopeful about continuing my band journey uneventful and successful. I loved what my old band did for me and I am looking forward for my new band to Keep my weight downsmiley

Zee Starrlite
on 11/12/12 12:44 am

Wow, you both seem to be in need of some serious mental health counseling.  Your husband will too gain the weight back with a sleeved stomach if he is not eating only because he can't right now.  Weight loss, eating, body issues, life take some real hard work in all aspects to be truly successful long term.

You have so much going on - I mean everyone does but you need to get a hold on yourself.  Your surgeon was very wise to remove all the saline from your band.  Do you think you could get yourself to a support group like OA or read some books to try and regulate yourself if you are not able to get a therapist?


All best,


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

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