What was a pre-op indulgent food day like for you?
One of the challenges I face is to overcome the occasional feeling that I'm not doing what I should be to lose or maintain weight. I think I'm eating too much, exercising too little, making poor food choices, eating for reasons other than physical hunger, and so on and so on. All or some of that may be true, but sometimes it helps to remember how far I've come by thinking back to what a typical pre-op day of eating was like for me.
For example...I traveled on business almost constantly, most of that overseas where I enjoyed trying new foods at every opportunity (and there were plenty of opportunities). Even in the USA, a typical day's eating for me was:
B: coffee with cream, waffles w/ butter & maple syrup (a lake of syrup), 3 breakfast sausages (got to get that sodium in)
S: coffee with cream, 2 donuts or other pastry
S: peanut butter crackers
L: cheeseburger & fries
S: popcorn (preferably with a lake of butter)
S: cheese & crackers
D: spinach salad w/ hot bacon dressing, 2+ hot rolls with lots of butter, creamy pasta w/ seafood,2+ glasses wine, molten chocolate cake, 1-2 glasses Bailey's Irish Cream
S: potato chips
S: candy bar
Just that dinner was more calories that I've eaten in an entire day as a post-op. What about you?
Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon. Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com
coming across a receipt from 2006, it really hit home that i didn't get to the size i did because of a crappy metabolism.
it was a receipt from mcdonalds. a big mac value meal super sized, a double cheeseburger, a crispy chicken snack wrap and two apple pies, all for me. it was my lunch. i recognized the mcdonalds i bought it at and i knew i had been on a lunch break at that point.
i ate huge portions of pasta and lots of crusty bread loaded with butter. steak, downed tons of soda.
and the sad thing is my cholesterol numbers were perfect. ::facepalm::
i don't eat any of that anymore. don't drink soda at all. i still eat a wawa hoagie once a year when i go to visit my best friend, but no longer then the 10 inch. a four inch junior is more than enough to fill me and then some.
I think that is one of the reasons the band never worked for me because on a regular basis I ate less than 1000 calories a day. The only time I over indulged was a holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas, maybe Easter if we went to family potlucks, but on a daily basis I ate very little and no snacks allowed:
B: 1 egg, 1 piece whole wheat toast, black coffee
L. salad, low cal. dressing, diet sprite
D. low fat protein like chicken breast or pork tenderloin, low carb veggies (lots of green beans!) or another salad, diet sprite.
My biggest down fall was my diet sprite yet didn't miss it when I quite for the band. I was told that even tho I was eating good food I'd only be able to eat half of what I was eating so would HAVE to lose weight. Nope not true! See I can't even imagine trying to eat what you did. You know I'm not dissin' on ya cause you are my friend but I just never ate like that. I was trained from a young age to diet my butt off and it used to work, but not after all my health issues. I'm glad it worked for you but the band did nada for me.
-1 can of coke when I woke up ( I proudly would say " I don't do coffee"
-A stop at dunkin donuts on thr way into work for a bear claw ( And another donut to eat on drive to work)
- another coke to go with the bear claw
-snack: coke
Lunch: sandwich, chips, bag of pretzels too and yes another can of coke with lunch
Afternoon snack: coke snickers
Dinner: and thing fast and more food for the money ( buffet or meal deals super size me)
And defiantly desert! A couple of glasses of coke at the restaurant too!
*if we stopped to get gas, I had trained my husband to enable me, he knew not to come back into car unless he had a king Si e snicker bar, or cherry pie or chocolate zingers! Oh and another can of coke!
We ate until we were painfully stuffed! So now I weigh and measure everything because I do not know how to eat to the point of satisfied. My internal thermostat is broken! So I now eat soooo damn clean, that if I am LOOKING for food I am disappointed because its all good! Basically I read labels for sugar content , it's like heroine for me!
And I was a food pusher and part of the clean Plate club!
I was very unhappy and stuffed down my feelings ! But I wouldn't have recognize it if I never had the surgery!
Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE BYE 130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU! Time for a Head adjustment! **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift
Exercise is not a LUXURY!
Exercise is a NECESSITY
I was very unhappy and stuffed down my feelings ! But I wouldn't have recognize it if I never had the surgery!
That's exactly how I feel. That recognition hasn't been easy to deal with, but without it, nothing would have changed or improved for the long term.
Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon. Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com
B hashbrowns covered in sausage gravy, large coke
s candy, or chocolate , coke
L cheeseburger/w ff, coke
s chocolate
D enchiladas with a coke
I drank coke all day never had water, ate constantly a lot of sugar

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16
I don't remember exactly what I ate but I do remember eating cheeseburger and fries and cheesecake. I had this crazy idea I would never be able to eat this stuff again. I do eat it on my treat day once a month. Just not in the same horrendous quantities.
I also remember drinking lots and lots of soda for the last time ever and that was the last time. I haven't had any since.