How do I get my testosorne checked?
on 10/30/12 6:51 am
A blood test -- are you due for any other blood work -- you can get it all done at once.
I go in at least once a year and have my Cholesterol, Vit A, B's, D, Iron, Ferritin, Intact PTH, Calcium, etc all tested.
You could go in for regular blood work and ask that they include testosterone.
I go to a Compounding Pharmacy to get a bio-identical hormone (due to menopause).
My PCP did blood work -- then I met with the pharmacist to go over a lengthy history, and they made a special formula just for me -- it inlcudes estrogen, estradoil, progesterone and testostorone.
If you are found to be deficient, they may direct you to a compounding pharmacy for a similar work up --- my chemist does men and women's formulations.
But -- first step is to get the bloodwork to find out where your levels are now.