What are you eating today (Tuesday)?
The TN weather report today can be summed up in one word: BRRRRR.
I got some of my test results yesterday. I am indeed anemic, so I'll have to take an iron supplement twice a day and live with the almost inevitable constipation. If the supplement restores my energy, I'll be a happier camper. I also have to do a hemoccult test to see if the anemia could be caused by internal bleeding. No big deal - I've done one before - but I'm not sure how I'll be able to do it if I'm constipated. Since my mom had colon cancer, I have to take this very seriously, but there's something very silly about fishing for a turd in a toilet bowl. I know, TMI. Read all about it here:
http://www.hemoccultfobt.com/patients/patients_HemoII_Pt_Ins tr.htm
Today's food plan:
B: protein latte
S: baked oatmeal w/ fruit & nuts
S: ricotta cheesecake fluff w/ blueberry fiber crisps
L: leftover pizza
S: a Babybel Light cheese
S: cashews
D:Dijon chicken, roasted eggplant salad (p. 200 of Bandwagon Cookery), roasted sweet potato
S: almond protein balls
I was able to eat 1/4 of an 8" pizza yesterday, which is huge progress for me. It took me a long time to eat it, but that's not a problem when I'm at home. The almond protein balls were an experiment. Ground almonds, canola oil, vanilla protein powder, banana, and almond extract, with a few sugar-free chocolate chips pressed into each ball. Very tasty, but not as much protein as the choco monkey version, so I'll fiddle with the recipe next time I make them.
This morning is my weight/resistance training class. One of the women in my class just returned from a vacation in Italy, where she discovered the delights of gelato and enjoyed some every day she was there. Gelato is unknown here in Bubbaland, and I'm jealous of her on several levels: the vacation level, the European vacation level, the Italian vacation level, and at the top, the gelato level.
Have a great day!
I got some of my test results yesterday. I am indeed anemic, so I'll have to take an iron supplement twice a day and live with the almost inevitable constipation. If the supplement restores my energy, I'll be a happier camper. I also have to do a hemoccult test to see if the anemia could be caused by internal bleeding. No big deal - I've done one before - but I'm not sure how I'll be able to do it if I'm constipated. Since my mom had colon cancer, I have to take this very seriously, but there's something very silly about fishing for a turd in a toilet bowl. I know, TMI. Read all about it here:
http://www.hemoccultfobt.com/patients/patients_HemoII_Pt_Ins tr.htm
Today's food plan:
B: protein latte
S: baked oatmeal w/ fruit & nuts
S: ricotta cheesecake fluff w/ blueberry fiber crisps
L: leftover pizza
S: a Babybel Light cheese
S: cashews
D:Dijon chicken, roasted eggplant salad (p. 200 of Bandwagon Cookery), roasted sweet potato
S: almond protein balls
I was able to eat 1/4 of an 8" pizza yesterday, which is huge progress for me. It took me a long time to eat it, but that's not a problem when I'm at home. The almond protein balls were an experiment. Ground almonds, canola oil, vanilla protein powder, banana, and almond extract, with a few sugar-free chocolate chips pressed into each ball. Very tasty, but not as much protein as the choco monkey version, so I'll fiddle with the recipe next time I make them.
This morning is my weight/resistance training class. One of the women in my class just returned from a vacation in Italy, where she discovered the delights of gelato and enjoyed some every day she was there. Gelato is unknown here in Bubbaland, and I'm jealous of her on several levels: the vacation level, the European vacation level, the Italian vacation level, and at the top, the gelato level.
Have a great day!
Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon. Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com
Aye the weather has dropped here drastrically as well. I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. Stuck a leg out into the cold air and yanked that puppy right back under the covers and snuggled next to the hubby man furnance.
B: Coffe with fat free hazelnut creamer, egg beaters with spinach and low fat mozzerella
S: protein shake
L: turkey chilli
S: yogurt
D: southwestern chicken
S: fat free frozen chocolate yogurt
Exercise : dragging my reluctant self down to the gym. not sure which i'm going to do, land exercises or water. in either case, it's cold and i'd rather stay wrapped up in blankets, hoodies, and my sweater
B: Coffe with fat free hazelnut creamer, egg beaters with spinach and low fat mozzerella
S: protein shake
L: turkey chilli
S: yogurt
D: southwestern chicken
S: fat free frozen chocolate yogurt
Exercise : dragging my reluctant self down to the gym. not sure which i'm going to do, land exercises or water. in either case, it's cold and i'd rather stay wrapped up in blankets, hoodies, and my sweater

Good morning. Trying to stay on track with my eating today. I find if I write it down on this tread I seem to have a better time sticking to what I should eat for the day.
Early: 2 x cups of coffee - squirt of Toranni SF Hazelnut flavor. Trying to get off the creamer.
B: 2 slices of Canadian Bacon, 2 x eggs
S: Baby Bell Mozzarella Cheese
L: Chicken breast, salad
S: Celery , Wedge Laughing Cow Cheese.
D: Grilled Fish, Steamed Veggies
Early: 2 x cups of coffee - squirt of Toranni SF Hazelnut flavor. Trying to get off the creamer.
B: 2 slices of Canadian Bacon, 2 x eggs
S: Baby Bell Mozzarella Cheese
L: Chicken breast, salad
S: Celery , Wedge Laughing Cow Cheese.
D: Grilled Fish, Steamed Veggies