Protein Shake options/help
Met the with nutritionist last night and she said she wants me to start a post op 'diet'. Not too strict but she wants me to have protein first thing in the morning. She suggested shakes with NO addedatives. She suggested Jillian Michaels. Has anyone ever had that? Any other good recommendations on good no addedative shakes/powders? She also suggested sugar free almond milk to mix in for extra taste. I dont want the shakes to taste gross and make me dread having to drink them.
I have 3 new rules to live by. 1. Never start the day with a carb. 2. Never start a meal with a carb. 3. Never eat a carb alone. I am allowed to have carbs but I apparently have some "chemical imbalance" which is why I have been heavy my entire life- I was a 10lb baby. I have blood work tomorrow and the nutritionist put on there to test some other stuff Something like PCOS? Not sure what that is though.
on 10/9/12 11:18 pm
Congrats on your upcoming surgery! You are right on about those 3 rules to live by :).
Unjury was and still is my favorite protein drink (chocolate classic), taste like Nestle quick and high in protein, it help me shed a whole lot of weight, in fact I just ordered some recently to help jump my weight loss.
Original Lap Band * 9/30/2005 * 4cc 10cm band*, lost 130 pounds. 7 Great years!
Revision surgery to AP small lap band *11/13/2012*, due to large hiatal hernia. I am hopeful about continuing my band journey uneventful and successful. I loved what my old band did for me and I am looking forward for my new band to Keep my weight down
Oh wow, I get my blood work done tomorrow and thats one test the nutritionist is having me get tested for. Now that I have been on the pill since I was about 17, its controlled my period a lot. I got mine when I was 9. She right then and there said I bet its PCOS. It makes me nervous now for when I want to have children. I wonder how badly it will affect that?
in my case i was switched from birth control (which was used to regulate my periods because without it i simply don't get one) to fertility drugs. it's from one hormonal treatment to another. i've know several women with PCOS who had healthy babies. it just depends on the person. i also take metformin to treat to the insulin regulation (much like a diabetic i gather since its a popular medication used for type 2 diabetics).
on 10/10/12 2:22 pm
Make very (very) sure that you continue to use contraceptives as you are losing until you are ready to conceive.
Your fat cells contain estrogen and as they shrink, you estrogen levels will ebb and flow accordingly --- many women become MUCH more fertile after weight loss surgery.
I can't believe you got your period when you were 9 --- I was a late bloomer and did not start until I was 17 --- and then I was regular as clock-work (every 27 days) for 35 years before I started menopause.
I never had PCOS, but I went through infertility treatments, so I found out alot about it during that phase.
Good luck with the bloodwork.
Honestly, I question the advice to have a shake for breakfast this far away from your surgery. You may get too hungry. Give it a try for a few days and if you can't adapt to it contact her for suggestions. The purpose of getting started now is to shrink your liver in preparation for surgery. Also, you do need to learn new habits that will continue for life and now is a good time to start. Practice tiny bites, eating very slowly.
I have known a couple of people with PCOS that have lost their weight and then be able to conceive but your gyn should be the one to take that up with.
It is HIGHLY recommended to not get pregnant for two years after surgery, in fact my surgeon insists on 2 forms of BC. Not me, of course, I'm too old but would be happy to try.