Discouraged and depressed

on 10/9/12 2:19 am
Hi everyone,
It's been about a month since I've been here.  I'm having some doubts about my band.  I received the band August 9th and before the surgery I lost 13 lbs it's been 2 months since the surgery and I've only lost about 5 or 6 more lbs.  I'm doing more of an atkins type diet with more proteins less carbs but i'm really discouraged.  I've had 3 fills so far I'm due for the next one on Thursday but I don't feel they are making any difference on the first day of my fill I do feel full but a day or two after I'm not full at all I'm still hungry i can eat 3 ounces of protein and in an hour i'm hungry again I'm really at a loss for what to do I'm so unhappy with myself right now and the band.  I'm tired a lot which makes it difficult to exercise does anyone have any advice please.

Thank you
on 10/9/12 5:06 am - NY
VSG on 05/04/16
Wow, you've had 3 fills in two months? And lost a total of 18lbs...I didn't get my first fill until the end of April and had lost only 5lbs since the surgery. I was discouraged too but I knew that I didn't gain all the weight over night so losing wouldn't de instant either. After I stopped weighing myself every day things began to progress. I loss inches first. don't gauge your progress by the scale but by the fir of your clothes. I'm now 6mos out and down 48lbs. It doesn't happen over night but it will happen.
Modifying my sexy!            
on 10/9/12 6:28 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
You, my dear, are in bandster hell. It is that period between surgery and the point where you hit your sweet spot. It is not fun and if your surgeon didn't warn you shame on them.

How many calories are you getting per day? If it is still low add 250 to your daily intake. Instead of gaining like we expect it can trick your body into letting loose of some more pounds. Also make sure you stay well hydrated because mild dehydration can cause a stop of weight loss. the expected rate of loss for a bandster at their sweet spot is 1-2 pounds a week, some times slower, sometimes faster.

I know how discouraging this is, just try to hang in there.


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


on 10/9/12 9:32 pm
Thank you for you help I haven't really kept track of my calories my surgeon never mentioned that to me do you really keep track of you caloriies?  I thought I was supposed to go by what my body told me like when i start feeling full to stop and don't eat for 4 hours and then eat again that was the routine I thought i was supposed to do.

Thank you again for your advice I'm going tomorrow to talk to her and get a fill I hope it works soon

Thank you
Bette B.
on 10/9/12 10:56 am
 Just remember that none of us got overweight overnight, and we won't get thin overnight, either. 3 fills in a little over a month seems like a lot, but it depends on what size they have been. Have they been big ones, or is your surgeon more conservative?

When you go for your next fill, make sure to talk to the doc/PA and explain what and how you are eating. That should help him or her decide IF you need another fill and how big it should be.

Good luck. ANd remember that some times it can take a week or more for a fill to kick in.


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 10/9/12 12:01 pm - Athens, GA

5-6 pounds in 2 mos. is reasonable. The "average" is 1-2 pounds per wk. Some lose more. Some lose less.

I will say I'm shocked by so many fills at this point! When did u get your first one???




on 10/9/12 9:34 pm
Thank you all for your advise I will be talking to my PA tomorrow and getting some more advice from her I hope this works keeping my fingers crossed  and my mouth shut (lol) 
on 10/10/12 4:19 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
One other thing to remember; the goal is to be able to eat  around 4 oz. of dense protien plus veggies. With good restriction you should be able to go 3-5 hours without having real hunger (as opposed to head hunger). If you get to this point stop getting fills. Making the band too tight can cause problems and actually can slow weight loss. If you are not at that point try adding a protein snack between meals.

Yes I count calories when I log my food. I use myfatsecret.com though myfitnesspal.com is highly rated by other members. The goal is about 1200 calories, 64 grams of protein (minimum) and minimum 64 oz. of water. I need the accountability. Weighing and measuring everything really helps me. I suffer from what others have dubbed "portion distortion".

As someone else said, often it can take 1-2 weeks for a fill to kick in. If at anytime you have trouble eating or drinking or have reflux you need a partial unfill. This isn't something to wait out.


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


Stephanie M.
on 10/10/12 4:57 am
 You're doing fine!  I'm surprised you've had 3 fills and assume they were very small?  My first fill was 3 months post op and was 3cc.  My second was 9 months post op and only .5 cc.  Go easy on the fills and allow a couple of weeks post fill for it to kick in...mine took about 10 days.  I currently have an empty band and have restriction...it's not about the fills, it's about the band supporting your positive food choices...hang in there!!


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


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