Deleted until one day I can complete thought
If you have a band and it is working by all means claim it, love it, work it - I did. When my band worked, it worked and I loved it. I felt like I wanted to die when I was losing it. This born fat girl was kind of skinny. My world had changed, opened up (TMI but I sort of late bloomed into a woman - I cried in a corner in Victoria's Secret because I didn't know how to shop there and felt lost. I dated and experienced intimacy), and it was only with my Lap Band that was able to do that (lots of overweight to super obese women have sex & relationships but not me, I did not). How could I lose my Band and move forth? How could I betyray the devise that gave me the gift that I wished for and worked for since I could remember.
What a heartbreaking post. Only those of us who have been in the shoes of MO can possibly get it. I was fortunate that I met my husband at a normal weight, otherwise I might not have experienced an intimate relationship either. Hugs, sweetie, hope you continue to be a presence on this board...
I know what you mean about your difficulty in giving up your allegiance to the band. It is hard to admit that something just isn't working, when our hopes were so high and the initial pay off was so exciting. I empathize with all of your experiences, and you are certainly not alone.
You have already been where I fear I may be going. Thanks for telling your story without bashing or blaming. We need more of that over here.