Buca Di Beppo manue choice
There's a pretty comprehensive list of the menu items of Buca di Beppo here.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
looks like a lot of great options for protein on that menu...Buca is Americanized Italian food, which is heavily weighted with pasta drenched in sauce. Being married to an Italian for almost 46 years and owned a restaurant for 12, there are always options for healthy food choices...in an Italian home the pasta is lightly sauced and usually is a very small portion and the evening meal. The big meal is the afternoon meal, which is heavy on protein, veggies and greens.
Chicken Marsala or picatta is always a go to item for me when I am at an Italian restaurant...I don't eat the pasta, just the meat. The chopped salad is another option. Chances are the group will order one of the higher protein items and a salad and I just take a bit of each, eat slowly and have a glass of wine. If I get home early enough, I'll eat a bit of protein then so I get my requirements in.
Thanks for posting this info...Nic