No weight loss in over a year

Norma 1010
on 8/11/12 4:44 pm - Pflugerville, TX
I had lapband surgery 10/15/10 lost about 60 lbs by the first year and that's it. I've been gaining and losing the same 10 lbs for almost a yr now. I haven't seen my surgeon since Feb of this year and at that time I had lost about 7 lbs in 5 mos, which I have since gained.  I can't eat any type of meat without having a stuck episode, no matter how small a bite I take. I love chicken, but haven't been able to eat it since. I've was having frequent stuck episodes with vomiting for a few mos, but have had none since. Probably due to the fact that I've gone back to my old eating habits of eating slider foods. I eat alot of soups and drink usually drink a protein shake in the morning because  I usually can't tolerated anything for at least  6 hrs after I wake up.  I get so frustrated that I can't eat the the things I should eat to help me get full and stay full.  I know I need to go back and see my surgeon, but just haven't been able to. My mother is very sick and had to put her with Hospice services. I'm an RN and work at the hospital Fri-Sun and come Monday I head to Lubbock to be with my parents and usually come back on Wed or Thurs.  I've tried eating the WW entrees, like the pasta's which I can tolerate most of the time, but  the entrees don't really feel me.  I'm just confused, because I can't eat alot of foods  because I get stuck which causes vomiting, which to me  means I'm too tight, but then I can eat more than a cup at a time of some foods and still be hungry within 1-2 hrs which to me means I need a fill.  So what's going on??  I'm going to call Monday and set up an appt with my surgeon before I gain all my weight back.   Before I had lapband surgery I read this forum everyday and I read about people that had failed with the lapband, and I swore I was not going to be  one of "those" people,  but here I am. Failing once again on weight loss :(    Anyone have any advice??



HW:   317 lbs
GW:   180 lbs
CW:   285


on 8/11/12 6:39 pm
 You haven't failed You lost 60 pounds. And basically maintained it. I had trouble with meat for the first coupke of years. Ate a lot of egg salad/hummus/soups. It also sounds like you are under a lot of stress. Work them mom, and back. I would suggest designing a plan that works for you. Get in the best protein you can, drink milk, try protein bars. If you like chicken, cook it in soup or make chicken salad. Wendy's chili is good on the road. This is not the time to be hard on yourself. Be good to yourself, and spend time with your mom. 
on 8/11/12 9:42 pm
I don't think you are a failure at all.
I do think that your band is probably a little too tight.

But, if your situation is such that you truly cannot get to your surgeon, you may need to focus on maintaining your weight and not consider that anything but SUCCESS.

Wjhen you can return to your surgeon, do it proudly, ask for help and get your band adjusted.

You deserve to take a day or a half day to take care of yourself


on 8/11/12 9:44 pm - Hill AFB, UT
I am going through the same thing. It sounds to me like you're too tight therefore your body is holding onto weight. Can you ask to get an adjustment under flour and see if they can actually see what is going on with your band? This helped me out quite a bit. Just a suggestion.


Starting weight- 265     Goal weight- 165-145 
on 8/12/12 9:11 am
You haven't failed, so stop thinking that way, first of all.

There is no time limit on this journey. I am 2.5 years post-band and I still need to lose my last 30 lbs to really be at a normal BMI. But am I better off than I was 3 years ago? Hell yes!  And are you better off than you were 2 years ago? Only you can answer that but I'd think those 60lbs make a pretty big difference in your life.

I will agree with everyone who says you're too tight. You are TOO TIGHT. Get some fluid taken out and go back to eating lean protein, green vegetables, and not much else if you have to.  It's better to be on the looser side and have to work harder at portion control than to be on the tighter side and have to worry about getting stuck all the time.

And believe me, you're not doing your body any favors being on the tighter side. It will catch up to you. I didn't even realize I was too tight until I found out my esophogus wasn't working properly. (Thanks to my annual upper GI fluroscopy.) Removing 1.5 CCs of my 5 made all the difference and my body is back to working normally but it's very scary to find out that something serious could be going wrong.

I hope you get it adjusted and feel better soon. Being able to eat a wider variety of proper foods will definitely help you!

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

on 8/12/12 10:09 am - Tucker, GA

I'm 5 years out and I read some similiarities in your story and mine.  I, too, had lost 60lbs.  I gained all mine back and then some.  Don't make the same mistake.  Take time out for yourself and go see your surgeon.  We get so bogged down in our lives, in being there for our loved ones, that we forget that we are one of our loved ones.  Our cup can't runneth over when it's only half full.  Continued success on your journey.

Stephanie M.
on 8/12/12 10:26 am
On August 11, 2012 at 11:44 PM Pacific Time, Norma 1010 wrote:
I had lapband surgery 10/15/10 lost about 60 lbs by the first year and that's it. I've been gaining and losing the same 10 lbs for almost a yr now. I haven't seen my surgeon since Feb of this year and at that time I had lost about 7 lbs in 5 mos, which I have since gained.  I can't eat any type of meat without having a stuck episode, no matter how small a bite I take. I love chicken, but haven't been able to eat it since. I've was having frequent stuck episodes with vomiting for a few mos, but have had none since. Probably due to the fact that I've gone back to my old eating habits of eating slider foods. I eat alot of soups and drink usually drink a protein shake in the morning because  I usually can't tolerated anything for at least  6 hrs after I wake up.  I get so frustrated that I can't eat the the things I should eat to help me get full and stay full.  I know I need to go back and see my surgeon, but just haven't been able to. My mother is very sick and had to put her with Hospice services. I'm an RN and work at the hospital Fri-Sun and come Monday I head to Lubbock to be with my parents and usually come back on Wed or Thurs.  I've tried eating the WW entrees, like the pasta's which I can tolerate most of the time, but  the entrees don't really feel me.  I'm just confused, because I can't eat alot of foods  because I get stuck which causes vomiting, which to me  means I'm too tight, but then I can eat more than a cup at a time of some foods and still be hungry within 1-2 hrs which to me means I need a fill.  So what's going on??  I'm going to call Monday and set up an appt with my surgeon before I gain all my weight back.   Before I had lapband surgery I read this forum everyday and I read about people that had failed with the lapband, and I swore I was not going to be  one of "those" people,  but here I am. Failing once again on weight loss :(    Anyone have any advice??

 I hope my experience can help you...I was maintaining for about a year, still following band rules, then started having nighttime pain, frequent stuck episodes and depending on soft and liquid foods to get nutrition.  I stayed the same weight during this time, but I was diligent in keeping my total caloric intake at about 1500 per day.  I was away from home for the better part of 5 months cleaning out my FILs house after his death and getting it ready for subsequent estate sale, renovation and rental, so was unable to see my band doc.  I also developed palpitations, so as soon as we got home, went to see my PCP.  I had a slew of cardiac testing and then was told to see the band doc...long story short, my band, with only 3.5cc in 11cc band, was too tight.  Only drops of barium would go through the band and my pouch was slightly dilated, but not prolapsed.  The PA removed all my fluid, told me to eat South Beach as much as possible (though salads were not working at all) and come back in 5 weeks.  I struggled the first 3 weeks with dense protein and veggies, but decided to do 3 days of just high protein soft foods, then gradually eat one new food per meal in very small quantity.  When I went back, I had lost 3.5 lb and have lost another 5+ lb in the


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 8/12/12 12:06 pm - Vancouver, WA
Been there done that! You are way too tight, if you can't eat most foods you are too tight, doesn't matter how much or how long it lasts you.
Slider food doesn't keep us full so we eat more thus gain weight. Scar tissue tends to build up over time under the band so you may be tighter than you think you are. I finally had to empty mine over a year ago because it just kept getting tighter and I've actually lost better empty than I ever did full. Plus like mentioned by the OP you are under a great deal of stress that alone can cause tightness. Give yourself a break and get a bit of unfill and use a little more self control and you should feel much better. You aren't failing, the band is failing you as it has so many of us. It is just a fickle bugger.
on 8/13/12 6:18 am
I am so sorry to hear about your mother...
I seem to be having the exact same problems you are having.  I had my surgery 18 months ago and have only lost 30 lbs I started out at 210 and now I am 177.  I have 8 1/2 ccs in a 10 band and am very tight, some days I can eat anything and feel no restriction and then other days  I can't eat anything without it coming back up, I know that I probably need an unfill, but I am a self pay and I really don't have the money to see the doctor. I know that is a horrible excuse, but It is true.  I've started walking 2 1/2 miles a day for the last week and I'm praying that I start loosing some.  I too feel like a failure and wish I would have had the gastric bypass....Good luck to you
on 8/23/12 7:20 pm
Adjustable Gastric Band on 11/10/11
Morma,  My situation is similar tu yours.I experiemced losses in my life as well,  I am sorry about thesituation with your mother.  I had lap band surgery on 11/10/11.  I lost 70 lbs, but now I go up ans down with the same ten lbs.  I also said that I was not going to be a failed lap bander.  Like you, there are foods that I cannot tolerate, they get stuck and come back up.  At the same time, I can also eat more than a cup.  I am upset about it.  I think that we both need to see our doctor's.  They can advise us on what to do.  Michelle.
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