Birthday Surprise (with pics)
So I took my brother to Medieval Times for his birthday. He's 21 and had never been, I had only been once back in 2010. Well when you get there you get to get a picture with your crown on and sitting/standing near the kings/pricess chair. Later in the evening you get the oportunity to purchase the picture. Because of the tickets we purchased, our picture was included. The picture actually turned out pretty good. I'm still not a fan of being on that side of the camera, most times I'm behind the camera taking the pictures. After getting home, I went looking for our picture from 2010. Guess what?!?! I found it. See below the difference. I'm so happy with my decision. I am still a work in progress and I'm okay with that.
Wow that is wonderful. If your a work in progress I am liking the artist!!! Keep up the great work, We are all works in progress because, who we are we will always be. We just need to constantly work at changing those habits every single day. The moment we forget that they come up and rear there ugly head. We got this...with the help of our band oxox