Eating after a fill.

on 6/3/12 8:27 pm
Adjustable Gastric Band on 11/10/11
 Hello.  I am scheduled to have a fill today.  Tonight my in-laws are celebrating birthdays at a restaurant (including mine).  What are some thoughts about eating a little bit after a fill?  Thanks.
on 6/3/12 9:57 pm, edited 6/3/12 9:58 pm

We are only here to share experiences of what has happened to us or have seen, I believe ALL lap band surgeons provide their patients instructions on what to eat following a band adjustment. YOU SHOULD FOLLOW YOUR SURGEONS EATING GUIDELINES AFTER A FILL.

Now that said, if it were ME, and today was my birthday , I would still keep it safe and order some type of yummy soup, (you did not mention where you were going out to eat).

But here are some suggestions of what could be safe after a fill and what I don't feel would be dangerous based on 7 years with my band, and again WE DO NOT KNOW HOW TIGHT YOUR BAND WILL BE AFTER YOUR FILL.

1. Soup

2. Thinned out Turkey chili w/cheese -- w/ crackers -- only eat a few spoonfuls -- AND STOP

3. Ice cream - Hey it's your Birthday - listen to your body and stop when you''ve had enough

4. Birthday Cake - Hey it''s your Birthday - Remember Cake, pies, cookies and candy will always go down a restricted band-- you probably will get full on a bite or two.

Those of my suggestions on being safe

Good luck and Happy Birthday!
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on 6/3/12 11:49 pm - New York, NY
 Have to agree with Nana.  Every surgeon has their own protocol.  For me, after a fill its 48 hours of liquids and 48 hours of soft food then resume to normal.  While I can have a drink the night of a fill, I don't eat.  
Stephanie M.
on 6/4/12 12:47 am
 Follow your doc's instructions precisely.  Most restaurants will even purée soup in a blender for you if you ask.  Have some ice cream to celebrate your birthday...have fun.  It's the people who matter, not the food.  Happy Birthday!


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


(deactivated member)
on 6/4/12 12:59 am - Wiesbaden, Germany
DS on 10/08/13
I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest you reschedule the fill for later this week if you are going out for dinner tonight.

I had a stuck incident involving clam chowder after a fill and it was AWFUL.  I didn't eat clam chowder for about 18 months afterward.
on 6/4/12 1:33 am
That's very interesting all the 7 years I've been banded I've never got any type of soup or thick soup or chowder stuck...even after very tight fill adjustment...that goes to show each and everyone lap band experience and tightness level are so different....

But again, I hear that you are getting your band removed maybe something has not been right with your band all along.....I don't know but I would think yogurt and any type of soup would be safe for just about any lap bander with a healthy band after a tight fill adjustment.
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(deactivated member)
on 6/4/12 1:41 am - Wiesbaden, Germany
DS on 10/08/13
I guess you've been very lucky. 

I've had my band filled and/or unfilled by four different surgeons, all of whom advised full liquids for 24 - 72 hours afterward. 

Until the band is actually removed, I can neither confirm or deny that something hasn't been right all along.  I had one surgeon who said it wasn't slipped and that I was full of scar tissue while my current surgeon determined I had a slip that wasn't treated properly in Kuwait (i.e., it was treated as a strep infection).  What I do know is that it's not working for me now.
on 6/4/12 1:46 am, edited 6/4/12 1:47 am
Carmel...I know we've had words in the past...but I truly hope things turn out for you and you are able to get a revision and have a wonderful successful journey in whichever surgery option you choose,

I know you are a good person but got caught up with the bad crowd on R&R...having a damaged lap band is not me mine almost slipped a few years ago and If I did not heal quickly, I would have wanted that band out immediately -- again wishing you much success with your revision.
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Bette B.
on 6/4/12 1:49 am
 I've had a couple of times when I've been tight enough to be unable to ge****er down before I've even left the doc's office. It's astonishing to me how much of a diff the TINIEST amount can make.


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 6/4/12 1:57 am
Now...don't get me, I've been filled too tight too, I remember a few years ago I had gotten a fill and I did not really feel restriction after my adjustment and was angry that I had wasted money on a fill that did not about a week later after my adjustment I was getting for work and drank a cold protein drink and got in my car and while I was driving....I start to cough and slime on a protein drink...and by the time I got to my building I was slobbering at the was SO embarrassing, I could not barely get my spit down....

This was the first time that I was filled so tight that I could barely swallow my spit and I had a meeting that day at work and all I kept swallowing and burping...I called my surgeons office and demanded a urgent unfill that day...I was able to get in and get some saline removed....

This is why I told the original poster....with caution WE DO NOT KNOW HOW TIGHT HER BAND WILL BE AFTER HER ADJUSTMENT...but most of the time, most people are not that
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