how many carbs are we supposed to eat per day?

misty S.
on 4/19/12 11:39 am
 just curious how many carbs we are supposed to eat per day i was eating healthy choice meals but they were 49g carbs per meal seems really high to me







on 4/19/12 12:15 pm, edited 4/19/12 12:17 pm

Hi Misty,

You will get alot of different answers on this one. Some people go very low carb and others like me stay between 50 to 100 per day .

If I go to low carb I get dizzy and awful headaches , and my blood sugar gets all wacky .

When I eat fruits, veggies I dont pay any attention to my carbs because those are good carbs .  When I eat potatoes, rice and the bad carbs I pay a little more attention to it.

I have had about 80 carbs today .  I did have some baked french fries oops lol that was about 20 of my carbs.  The rest of it has came from apples, bananas, carrots , green beans or Chobani Greek Yogurt. 

If you can really try to stay away from the healthy choice meals or any of those meals.  They are full of carbs and worst of all the high sodium in them. 

crystal M.
on 4/19/12 12:32 pm - Joliet, IL
49 is on the high side...but if you compensate by having two lower carb meals you would be fine. But to answer your question about how many carbs we are supposed to eat....that answer will vary from person to person, from doctor to doctor.  I keep mine low but not super low.  I usually come in around 60-70.  My carbs come in complex carbs like fruit and veggies.  Not simple carbs like white bread and pasta...which I'm sure is in your meal.

I never eat frozen meals.  My NUT is against them.  They are VERY high in sodium.  The average Healthy Choice meal is about 500-600 mg of sodium.  I was told to stay under 1200. So there goes half my day at least in one little meal.  They tend to be based primarily around pasta, which is made up primarily of simple carbohydrates, with little bits of veggies.  These meals are over processed prepackaged garbage (sorry I know some people love them).  It took me awhile to break my frozen food habit.  I believed I had no time to make my meals.  It takes some pratice but you can make meals with little effort and they are fresh and you control the amount of sodium and fat.  The crock pot and goerge foreman grill are my best friends!!!!
on 4/20/12 1:20 am
If you like the convenience of frozen food but want dense protein...try buying bags of frozen turkey meatballs.  They are precooked so you only need to microwave them.  I love them!
crystal M.
on 4/20/12 5:58 am, edited 4/20/12 6:01 am - Joliet, IL
great long as there is no added gravy or anything.  Then all you have to do is add veggies. 
on 4/20/12 8:29 am
I will have to look for frozen turkey meatballs- sounds great. I eat a lot of frozen grilled shrimp and fish. Mostly Gortons, they are really good and go buy one get one free at my publix. Otherwise they are a little pricey. I also like greet giant frozen veggies. I am really not sure about the sodium in the frozen foods I eat- my blood pressure is fine so I don't really worry about it. Hope this helps. Also very conveniet are perdue perfect portion chicken breasts. They come in a bag with each breast seperately sealed. I just throw it in the freezer and take one out at a time. Only takes 8 minutes to cook it up in a pan- I use an olive oil spray.
on 4/22/12 2:13 pm - North, GA
 Trader Joes makes and sells very good turkey meatballs.  If you have one near you, it's worth the trip. 

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on 4/21/12 5:24 am - NJ
 I have PCOS and have to watch my carbs closely, most days I stay under 50 (not net, that is my TOTAL carbs for the day), but since I am starting to work on a maintenance plan and I also run three to four miles most days I have upped it to 60/70 a day and it's been pretty good.

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

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