You'll never believe this; discouraging doctor!!!

on 4/14/12 2:03 am - Oceanside, NY
 As usual GO BETTE!!
I would report him to office. More importantly make sure you never have him again.
most importantly your head stay on straight. Sounds lke your on the right track.
Brutaly honest and distructive are not the same.
Good luck to you.
on 4/14/12 4:00 am - FL
Lap Band on 04/05/12
Thank you, Wendy. 
Evelyn M.
on 4/14/12 3:31 am - United Kingdom
 What an arse! Good for you to write and complaint, that would have been the first step. And you know what the next step will be? You proof him wrong! Of course you can do this, take it as a motivation thing! Don't forget- who laughs last, laughs loudest :)
Roll on weight loss!
on 4/14/12 3:58 am - FL
Lap Band on 04/05/12
Thank you, Evelyn! 
(deactivated member)
on 4/14/12 8:18 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
On April 14, 2012 at 5:35 AM Pacific Time, NunnOther wrote:
I'm one week post op.  Yesterday, I had my first post-op appointment to check my incisions.  MY doctor was on vacation, so I had to see the other doctor in his practice.  Needless to say, I fully regret that decision.   He was an hour and 15 minutes late when he walked into my room and by then I was beyond frustrated.   With this surgery, I've been late to work or have been leaving early once every two weeks for appointments, meetings with my nutritionist, pre-op appts. etc.   Anyway, the doctor told me because of my attitude,  he was 99% sure that I was going to FAIL.   I've only met him one other time and he has the most horrible bedside manner.  He believes in brutal honesty, and while I appreciate that, I never liked his approach.  But trust me, I don't want hugs and kisses, I want honesty---but I don't believe in being rude. 

Anyway, we had a couple words back and forth. Basically him saying that he knew my type and me telling him that he knows nothing about me.    I knew I should have walked out.  He said I'll be like Carnie Wilson, in a few years when I regain all this weight and have to get another surgery, I'll be thinking about him.  What a butthole!    Guys, I am SO discouraged now because feel like he was taking something out on me.   I didn't do anything to deserve this treatment, nor do I need to hear that I'm going to fail one week out of surgery.   PLUS, he's not even the doctor who performed my surgery.    It just doesn't make sense. 

Since starting this, I've lost close to 25 pounds BEFORE surgery, so I know I'm getting my head in the right place about what to eat, how to exercise, etc.   I just don't get rude people, especially when he was supposed to be there to check my incisions and talk about my diet after surgery.... sorry, had to vent. 
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put all this in writing and have anyone in his front office date, time stamp, and sign/initial this. Have them copy it for you, you MAKE SURE that whoever signs/initial it, signs/initial it legibly and if they don't, then you print their name under their siggy/initial on your copy. ( make sure they have the original.) You tell them you want it added to your medical records.

If there ever comes a time ( not when...IF ) where you may need a revision. You don't want this ******** statements becoming a part of your medical record. You don't know what he wrote, SO GET A COPY OF THAT DAYS VISIT while your at it ( that way it can't be changed ) His assholish comments could give your insurance company all the information they need to deny you a future revision IF necessary.
on 4/14/12 8:57 am - FL
Lap Band on 04/05/12
Will do!!!!    Thanks, Pumpkin. 
on 4/14/12 8:58 am - FL
Lap Band on 04/05/12
I appreciate everyone's kind words and support.   You don't know how much you all uplifted my spirits. 
on 4/14/12 12:12 pm - Orange Park, FL
Lap Band on 01/30/12
I am sorry to hear about your problems. Too bad you can't switch to my office! See if there is another doctor in the office that you can switch too. My friend goes to a doctor at Memorial. Do you want mr to see who it is? I am over at St Vincents.

on 4/15/12 12:37 am - FL
Lap Band on 04/05/12

Yes, please!   Thank you! 

misty S.
on 4/14/12 12:26 pm
 dont let him discourage you there will always be someone out there saying you can't do something its up to you to prove them wrong and everything is mind over matter.  We can and will do this one baby step at a time! Those negative people can just go to hell!  Ive come a long ways and have a long ways to go but believe me six months down the road when you see your before and after photos you will see you are a strong person that can do anything you set your mind too.  you will be proud of yourself. Good luck best wishes







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