what is going on here!!!!
Wow...had no idea of the can of worms I would be opening up here. Yeesh!!! I found a dr in southern Mass that seems very confident in his practice with the band. He did that ultrasound so i could see where the band was and the pouch. Starting to feel a bit more confident in my choice. i realize with anything it's work. Seems that the sleeve is less work though LOL!!! Makes sense-cut the stomach smaller right?? Nothing is like a belt around an organ, or cut and rerouted to your intestine, etc...But alas I have the band and need to get it in my head that I might have issues with it. Knowing ahead of time those issues is quite helpful, though I may never have the same. I can say I have some issues with food going down-it changes all the time. I can be great for 2 weeks and then get a symptom. I sometimes get this weird gurgling sound emminating from my esophogus, after I drink something. On occassion I do get that weird shoulder pain in my left shoulder. Other than that I realize I need to eat healthy and exercise. Sitting on the computer all day for online classes is really killing me, and sure I can eat something I'm not supposed to once in a while, doesn't everyone?? regardless of diet or WLS?? we are all human. I did take a 20 minute walk today and feel a bit better. Now to do that everyday. I can never be a slave to the gym, even when I was skinny I couldn't, just not in me I guess. i just came to realize that this forum is great, but don't stay away too long from it, it really scared the crap outta me. Everyone has their own experiences to share and I am very thankful for that!!! thanks everyone!!!