band hell for the last week
on 3/18/12 10:19 am
on 3/18/12 10:19 am
Last Sunday I got a phone call that my brother had been taken to an ER in Michigan. He lives in Texas and is a truck driver. They weren't sure he would make it through the night. Well the stress that followed over the next week has left my band tight and me unable to eat. So my plan now that I am home is to do liquids for a few days and then soft foods for a few days. If I don't feel better after that I will call my doc.
on 3/18/12 12:48 pm
on 3/18/12 12:48 pm
Thanks for asking. I didn't go into detail in the original message because I figured they would move my post for not being WLS related enough. Well my brother by God's Grace is okay. He went into Kidney failure. They said if he had come to the ER an hour later he would not have made it. Sunday night my husband and I dropped everything to get to him ASAP. We spent the last week with him. The first three days were critical. He is doing great now and will be transferred back to Texas tomorrow. He will need dialysis 2-3 times a week and his life will e changing but he is with us.
on 3/19/12 8:34 am
on 3/19/12 8:34 am
I am feeling better. I don't feel like my stomach is tight on the inside like I did. I am going to do liquids for a few days before trying to eat because I know my body is so sensitive. Well I have a doc appt for Monday just my regular appt but if I need to go sooner I will.