Not only losing weight again, but this new protein shake is the reason why!!

on 3/12/12 11:07 am
So, I have had problems with my band, not sure if it is to tight or not tight enough. I have watching my son and daughter lose weight on this protein shake, son lost 25 pounds in 6 weeks and daughter lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks. So I figured since I still have to drink a shake for breakfast I might as well order this and see how it works. I ordered the 2 aday shipment and drink it for breakfast and lunch. I have been on it for a month and have lost 11 pounds, but I have lost 2 dress sizes!!! Not only that but I quit taking my flinstones cause these shakes have so many vitamins, but wasn't sure if they would keep me supplied until I got my blood work back and it is fine, and no losing any hair. So, long story short, I am doing what I always did only drinking a shake for lunch and then have a few snacks during the day and a regular meal. So far so good, no problems with burping or being stuck, and I am losing again which I haven't lost any significient weight in over a year. Not to metion this shake taste amazing and has a bunch of recipes to choose from. I will keep ya posted on how it goes, but I am excited to be losing again!!!

(deactivated member)
on 3/12/12 11:39 am - NY
Whats it called??
on 3/12/12 12:10 pm
It's called Body By Vi shakes by Visalus! My website is You can watch the short 6 minute video that explains it all. I get autoship every month, you can choose the package you want. The other great thing is when you get 3 people under you, yours is then free!! Up to you... Let me know if you need more info.

Tammy D.
on 3/12/12 12:18 pm - Pikeville, KY
I hope things work out for you... I am at a stand stilll with weight loss, I blame mine on predinsone, I have lupus and other auto immune diseases and I have to take it often, I am hoping as I taer off of it I will begin losing again... But I am craving sugar so bad!!! I am not sure what is going on .. someone said it could be my thyroid, I am taking meds for that already, but might need to change the dosage.   Anyway, good luck!!
on 3/12/12 12:30 pm

Thanks Tammy, It's funny cause I watched 2 of my kids have success on these, but thought I am not falling for another gimic, been there done that. Then when I went to one of the meetings that you can taste the shakes, I thought these taste alot better then the one I have been drinking every morning for the past 3 years. So I ordered them and first just did the 1 a day, like I had always been. Then just decided to give it a try, and finally I am losing again without going down for fills. I hope you get yours figured out, nothing worse then getting stuck at the same weight, mine was stalled for over 2 years!! My favorite shakes is the coffee oreo for breakfast, and lunch it veries, but love the reese's cup one!!

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