Believe it or not I am happy...
I was banded 2/15/11 an month later I had ankle surgery and spent a month rehabing it in a Nursing home. To date I have lost 56 lbs not to shabby at least I think so. Am I wrong to be happy that I can sit on the floor now and play with my dog and not really have to try as hard to get up...or if I drop something I can bend over and not have that extra roll get in the way. Yes my clothes are bigger and the fact that I can walk down the ahll and not get winded well it makes me smile. When people ask me if Ive gone and had my fill and I tell them No its my choice whether or not to get it. Right now some things go down easy and some dont IE PASTA unless very soft. I know that if I eat the right things and move around more and get into a rountine that yes things are going to happen in a good way. Just because you have met your goal and there are other people around me who have had the surgery and are doing well...dont say things like I dont want to see so and so get passed you. This is not a race I am running this is my life and if this is the way I choose to live it let me. I am happy for others succcesses and I know that in time I will reach my goal. Instead of saying things that make me feel bad say things that encourage...Just saying cause believe it or not I am happy!