I love my doctor
I was very worried that my surgeon was going to yell at me today at my visit because of the weight gain I had over the holidays. I went in and took full responsibility for it and I think it was the best thing I could have done . No excuses just the facts. I was pleasantly suprised when he told me it was ok. That even people without weight problems had trouble over the holidays and as long as I was getting back on track I would be ok. I talked to him about the extreme tightness that I have till abou 1 to 2 oclock every day then loose as can be and he said that he would set up the test to make sure that I hadnt slipped. I also told him it was my goal to loose 30 pds more befor my anniversary date of March 30. He told me to go for 20 and if I did that we were good if I lose more thats like icing on the cake. I have already had a good start this year. I have managed to start eating right again.also I am doing dance central 2 every night and hubby bought me a treadmill yesterday so I have no more excuses to not walk.(I hate the cold weather)So wish me luck everyone and I wish all of you the same.