help, need vitiamins

on 1/3/12 3:03 am - York Haven, PA
VSG on 12/02/14
 I went to the ortopedic doctor taday..I have another bad disc in my neck above the newest fusion..:(
and an eroded clavicle on the right shoulder where I had the  rotator and bicepe tear fixed last year. The clavicle is puckhing up and I can feel it thru the skin.. So I am looking at 2 more surgeries..neck fusion and right clavicle surgery. 9they will shave of the bone to smooth it out) .hoping they can do both at the same time..anyway..Since my bones are detererating (sp) I need calsium and a multi vit. anyone know of any chewables.. I need to start taking them asap..I dont' drink much milk or eat cheese.,(dairy).so I need strong ones..The doctor said anything over the counter.. Lucky

  2/09 pre. 264.7            214 lbs. Band removal.  4/29/20014       revision to sleeve 12/2/14  243.4

Kate -True Brit
on 1/3/12 3:31 am - UK
 Lucky, you poor  thing!

I am sure you have the same things in the US we have here but under different brand names. I use effervescent calcium with vit D. It dissolves into a pleasant orange drink. I let it stand and the fizz goes very quickly. In fact I have a ****tail - multi vit, calcium and glucosamine/ chondriotin! All effervescent.


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/3/12 4:21 am - NH
I take centrum chewable vitamin and caltrate chewable calcium.  I get the at Rite-Aid and Wal-Mart.  Wal-Mart is the least expensive.
I pray things get better.
on 1/3/12 4:41 am - NJ
 I use a powdered calcium citrate that is highly bioavailable, it's called NOW brand, I put it in my coffee every morning and I don't even know it's there - Netrition has a good price and their shipping is lightning fast, I ordered and had my stuff the next day!  

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 1/3/12 9:34 am - Athens, GA
Calcium citrate is preferred.

Call or email Celebrate and Bariatric Advantage and request some samples. That way you can compare and see what you like best. Specify you need calcium samples also since I'm not sure if they include those in their sample pack routinely.


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