Time to get back on the BandWagon
I have to say, I LOVE posts like this. Everyone is so positive and supportive! We can do this. We can kick ass!! I have to get back on the wagon as well, and to be honest, I'm looking forward to it. I like the routine, but I'm up for a change in that routine. Some healthier foods. I think some of my co-workers and I are going to start WW. I may try that to see how that works! Good luck everyone and I look forward to seeing everyones "WEIGHT LOST" posts!!!
HUGS to you all!
HUGS to you all!
I welcome the consistency and structure too of tracking everything. Yesterday I didn't feel so well but I think I was "detoxing" from all the crap. Today was much better. Although I've been peeing like a race horse even though I am having trouble getting the water in. I know that will get better I feel like I spent my day in the bathroom and it's not easy being that I work as a nanny and have kids banging on the door or trying to peek under while I'm in there. But today took the cake. The 3 yr old that I care for broke through the door and told me I had a large butt. I just said I know and walked away. He didnt' insult me. Was just a kid making an observation. And, it was true. But I feel confident that I will make my butt smaller each day. Wishing all of you a great day/week/month/future! We can get there "one day at a time."
thank you 'Life is a Beach' for your inspirational post. I had may band 4 years ago. First 60lbs came off 'easily' the first 9 mths. The next 15 a lil harder then I got pregnant and had a baby. She'll be 2 in March. I've had probably 3 fills since but cannot seem to lose those 25 still needed after the baby. BUT I agree w/ you completely. Its time to be honest w/ myself too and keep track. Cut the sweets and daily starbucks Or at least make a better substitute choice. open to suggestions if anyone has a good substitute for starbucks lattes/mochas. Let me know if the book is good. I just learned of the book today. I noticed this time last year was the last time I got on this site. THis site/forum was very helpful in losing my first 75lbs. Time to get back to it. Happy New Year too.
VSG on 05/20/15
I desperately needed to see this post! I feel like I can get myself back on track and get back to my happy weight. I gained back 40 of the 120 I lost. I feel so disappointed in myself. I just got to a point that I was sick of dieting. I was sick of high protein, low carb. I was sick of EVERYTHING! I took some fluid out (I'm a nurse and have been trained to do my own fills) and I went wild. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted. I can't believe I gained that much back in such a short period of time!! It was only like 5 or 6 months! UGHHH!!!!! But this is a new year, and I WILL get back to my 215!!!
I know how you feel. It's like the "honeymoon" wore off. It does get tiring to manage what you eat, etc. I think I have come to expect that I will always have issues with food. Of course we don't have issues with salads and vegetables. lol Plus we are constantly bombarded with temptations. I noticed yesterday that in the 13 miles to and from work each day I pass no fewer than 30 fast food chains, countless convenience stores (buying chocolate there is a big weakness) and coffee/donut shops. Each one tempts me as I pass. I have to make a conscious decision NOT to stop. So...instead of stopping I congratulate myself for that achievement. Hopefully it just becomes habit.
I wish you all good luck in your journey each and every day!
I wish you all good luck in your journey each and every day!