Inspirational Phrases or quotes
Sometimes all you need to stay on Plan is a little nugget of sound advice. Find an inspirational phrase or quote that works for you, then repeat it as needed.
“Steady and slow, learn as you go. Lose too fast, it may not last.” — Louise F. *
“It matters not how slowly you go, only that you do not stop.” — Julia B. *
“No matter how slow you go, you’re still lapping the [person] sitting on the couch.” — Stephanie H. *
“I may no be where I want to be, but I’m better than where I was.” — Heather J. *
“You don’t drown from falling in the water, you only drown if you stay there.” — Barb L. *
“Success requires backbone, not wishbone.” —Debbie S.*
“If we defend our habits, we have no intentions of breaking them.” — Judy P. *
“Life has no remote…YOU have to get up and change it yourself!” — Tracy S. *
“The weight didn’t arrive from the Fat Fairy last night, and the Skinny Fairy isn’t coming tonight, either.” — Miscelena1.**
“Instead of a plate, reach for your mate!” — Frank E. *
“What you eat in private shows up in public!” — NicoleJuner1 ** Love this one
“I’ve come too far to take orders from a cookie.” — Gina L. * Love this one
“If you kinda do it, it kinda works. If you really do it, it really works.” — Andrea G., Carol T. *
“If you’re driving and you get a flat tire, do you get out of the car and slash the other three? No, you fix it and get back on the road.” — Tanya S. * Love this one
“The scale is a weight loss tool – not a judge, jury and executioner.” — Brenda T. *
“Keep tracking, stop slacking!” — Holly L. *
Please add your own
on 12/28/11 5:51 am
I read it at a time when I was sneak eating -- and gaining weight at a pretty good clip.
I prayed and asked myself if I want to be a cheat and a sneak and a person who is filled with shame.
The answer was 'no' --- and I used that as motivation to find a way out of obesity.
Now, I repeatedly feed my body a healthy diet, and I exercise and get enough sleep and treat myself kindly.