on 12/6/11 8:04 am, edited 12/6/11 10:26 pm - AZ
Edited to say:

You are right -  I don't understand the history here.

I'll just stay out of it while still speaking out for civility even toward those that we disagree with.
"Future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!"
highest weight : 428   Banded 11/3/2011 surgery weight : 386
Nic M
on 12/6/11 8:26 am
She has deleted SO many accounts, it's impossible to even keep them straight anymore.

What you see TODAY might be "respectful" but you haven't been around here long enough to know the full story and how much misinformation she's spread. And because she's deleted the former accounts, you can't see the rest.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


(deactivated member)
on 12/6/11 9:08 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
On December 6, 2011 at 4:04 PM Pacific Time, docd wrote:
You won't be happy until only the people that agree with you remain.
How does that help anyone?

I know that there are a lot of people that have had their weight loss dreams shattered by a side effect from a band. And that it may happen to me some day too. Side effects and failures occur with other surgeries too.

Banding surgery has helped many people lose millions of pounds worldwide.
There are many, many people happy with their decision to get lap banded.

I thought Nana was respectful in posting articles and included the source.
What's wrong with that?
How about I answer your questions when you start answering mine ?
on 12/6/11 9:22 am - Athens, GA

~I thought Nana was respectful in posting articles and included the source.
What's wrong with that?~

I personally did not see the post, so I can just speak from past experience with her. Nana is notorious for blaming the bandster. If anyone has any complication is it usually THEIR fault. Slip/port detatchment/leak/erosion/ name it...........if a bandster gets it...........THEY CAUSED IT!

Then there is the constant bad medical advice she throws out there. Dangerous at times!

Nana has also been very abusive to many of the bansters here. Now I'm not just talking about to someone llike me that runs her mouth. ;-) But Nana has made some very cruel statements on there. I don't know how many times I have heard her insult other bandsters appearance! If they don't have a full lenght pic, if they do have a full length pic. If they have a pic. If they don't have a pic. She has made some very personal attacks on many forum members.

I would tell you to read back over her posting history, but she chances her screen name on here about every 6 months. And then if she posts something that she later regrets she goes back and deletes it. (Like her post about having 64 fills, her post saying she didn't lose weight b/c of the band, she lost it b/c she got addicted to exercise, her post about how she was scared of getting HIV from the laptop of a co-worker that died because she ASSumed he was gay, she ASSumed he had AIDS.) Her more insulting and outrageous post have been deleted, so you will  only get a small sample of her true self.


on 12/6/11 10:02 am
I am now jumping in hereto let you know that Pumpkin and Maria do let people know about the band the the possibility's  of failure, BUT they are champions at giving support to band people.

Go in and read all their posts.  The band has issues just like all the surgeries!  If all people agreed with weightloss surgery we would not grow and change with our weightloss!

The person they have issues with has in the past caused many problems with a lot of people.  So with that said .............. 

Band removed and feeling alive with energy!

on 12/6/11 8:46 am - FL
 Sometimes it just gets out of hand.  These surgery wars are uncalled for IMO. 

When I had my band it was very helpful for the ones that were having problems to post what was going on and what was being done to fix it, if it was fixable.  Without that valuable knowledge I have no idea what I would have done when I had my problems.

Am I happy with my revision?  Yes.  Is it right for everyone?  Of course not.

My only "red flag"  is when a newly banded person jumps on someone that is having problems or had problems and already had a revision.  When they blame the user it is horribe.  It took almost 4 years to have problems with my band so while I spent the first 4 years going to my surgeons seminars preaching how great it was I now realize that everyone wants to hear the answer they "need" it to be.  My lap band surgeon only did the band and as of a year ago no longer does it due to clomplications.  So even my Dr didn't know a few years ago about the problems.  And I didn't use him for my revision.

Anyway we should all be able to state our opinions.  If you only have the band then that is all you know, if you have RNY then you only know that.  If you have a band revision then you should know both sides and when stating them it really shouldn't make anyone else mad since it should be your own experience.

Merry Christmas to all and hopefully everyone will have a Happy and Healthy New Year.

on 12/6/11 9:33 am - Athens, GA

Oh the newbie know it all's infuriate me! I know they believe in the band. I know they have put all their hopes and dreams in the band. I know b/c I did too. We all did. And it infuriates me when they say things like we caused our complications. If we followed the rules then our bands would work. *We* just don't know how the band is really suppose to work. We expect a magic bullet. We think the band should do. ALL the work and we're just mad b/c we have to diet and/or exercise also. Blah, blah, blah.


on 12/6/11 12:33 pm - Vancouver, WA
Dare we dream the dream?! Nahh she'll be back under some other crazy incarnation and screw the newbies over. Eventually she'll show her true colors and it will start all over again!
At least maybe we can have a quiet holiday season!
(deactivated member)
on 12/6/11 3:42 pm - San Jose, CA
My suggestion - every time Naomi/Nana/Nutjob posts, ask her about her 70 fills and unfills.
(deactivated member)
on 12/7/11 12:51 pm - Wiesbaden, Germany
DS on 10/08/13
I guess I am tardy to the party again but I haven't seen a particulary craptastic post from Naomi.  Don't know if it/they have been deleted or she is starting off slowly.  I do know that she hasn't told me how much she loves me and blocked me in the current iteration.  Yet. 
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