lap band removal
I'm sorry you went through this. I hope everything will go well with whatever surgery you choose next.
I've heard several doctors say that they wouldn't recommend the lapband because they need to be removed more often than not. And one doctor told me that he thought they were a "bear" to remove... and it was downright dangerous. It's not like unfastening a belt. They have to cut through layers of scar tissue and stomach tissue and there's just no way that it isn't damaging. The manufacturers make it sound like it can be just slipped right off. They should rectify that because a lot of people are being adversely affected.
I really wish you the best and feel for you that you're going through this. It's VERY familiar to me!
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
My insurance had no problem whatsoever with paying for it. The doctor wrote, "It has to come out." And they paid the bill. That's all she wrote!
Are you having problems? I mean, yeah, it sounds like a Captain Obvious question, I realize! But some people experience more dire complications than others. I just wondered if there was anything you might need help with.
Good luck to you. I hope everything goes well.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
on 11/1/11 8:03 pm
Thank you again.