8 minute Challenge...Starting on Halloween!

Jo 1962
on 10/28/11 8:27 am, edited 10/28/11 11:44 am - NearHouston, TX
My coworker told me that her grandmother used this book and maintains her size 6 with it for just 8 minutes a day. Shoot.  i can do that. So I went on Amazon to find the book and got a used copy for pennies plus the 4 dollar shipping.  I just finished  Week 1 day one.  It was 12 reps each of two exercises, 4 sets in all.   Anyone else want to join me?

  Cover Image
Heres the most recent picture of me (last week)....I hope to see a BIG difference 28 days from now by following this book.    I'm hoping it will be the kick in the ass I need to get exercising!

HW: 279 SW:266 current:207  Size16!  Ht:5'21/2"   I want to reach onderland!!

While I'm at it, here's a before:

5.0 cc in a 10cc lapband  (four  fills) 1 unfill of .5cc  on 5/24/2011.
.5 fill  March 2012. unfill of .25cc May 2012.  Unfill of .5cc June 2014.

Still with my lapband with no plans for revision. Band working well since

last small unfill.

HW: 267lbs- size 22-24  LW:194lbs  CW:198lbs  Size 14-16



Guernica Loser
on 10/28/11 8:44 am
I'm in.  Let me get the book.  Sounds like a plan, my friend :)
I've been on prednisone and chemo for over 7.5 years.  Gained over 160 pounds due to pred. Highest wt. 410. Surgery wt. 365. Current wt. 299
See ya,400s, 90s,80s,70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s, 10s 300s!!!!  
on 10/29/11 6:59 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
Hijack. Guernica it is wonderful to "see you" again. Welcome back!


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


Guernica Loser
on 10/29/11 9:06 am
I've missed you!!!  I hope you're doing well!
I've been on prednisone and chemo for over 7.5 years.  Gained over 160 pounds due to pred. Highest wt. 410. Surgery wt. 365. Current wt. 299
See ya,400s, 90s,80s,70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s, 10s 300s!!!!  
Jo 1962
on 10/31/11 12:46 pm - NearHouston, TX
Heheh Cool...I almost forgot to start this morning..well I DID foreget actually so I did the two exercises just a little while ago.     DH was miffed for a while,..thinking I would only be exercising 8 min a day.  Said NO..Im treating this like an "appetizer"...to get me wanting more.

Hope it works that way anyway.......

5.0 cc in a 10cc lapband  (four  fills) 1 unfill of .5cc  on 5/24/2011.
.5 fill  March 2012. unfill of .25cc May 2012.  Unfill of .5cc June 2014.

Still with my lapband with no plans for revision. Band working well since

last small unfill.

HW: 267lbs- size 22-24  LW:194lbs  CW:198lbs  Size 14-16



Jo 1962
on 10/28/11 8:53 am, edited 10/28/11 9:46 am - NearHouston, TX
Awesome :)  I forgot to mention that you need some small weights of your choice for some of the exercises.  I'm using a pair of 5 lb weights.

ETA: I'm actually going to start this on monday( Halloween!)  A cool way to kick off my 49th birthday.....Yes, I was born on Halloween but not at the stroke of midnight like my big brother had me believing until I was a teenager.

5.0 cc in a 10cc lapband  (four  fills) 1 unfill of .5cc  on 5/24/2011.
.5 fill  March 2012. unfill of .25cc May 2012.  Unfill of .5cc June 2014.

Still with my lapband with no plans for revision. Band working well since

last small unfill.

HW: 267lbs- size 22-24  LW:194lbs  CW:198lbs  Size 14-16



Guernica Loser
on 10/29/11 9:07 am
You start and I'll just join in when I get the book.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
I've been on prednisone and chemo for over 7.5 years.  Gained over 160 pounds due to pred. Highest wt. 410. Surgery wt. 365. Current wt. 299
See ya,400s, 90s,80s,70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s, 10s 300s!!!!  
Colleen S.
on 10/28/11 12:25 pm - Mechanicsburg, PA
I am in!!   Thank you for the info.  I just ordered his audio tapes and the cookbook.  I will try anything, because my body just does not want to let go of this weight and now I have gained back close to 20 lbs.  of the measley 50 I did lose.  It is so frustrating.  It is not because I don't have good restriction, I do good with meals. But still can't let the snacks go.  And I get no exercise.  I go back to my Dr. next week and I am really dreading to think what he is going to say about my gain.  So any motivation I can get is really appreciated.
Guernica Loser
on 10/29/11 9:09 am
I hear you, Colleen.  The snacking is the hardest part to change isn't it?  I've gotten myself a trainer, so I'm hoping that part works. 

I always hate going into the doc with no loss let alone a gain (and it's happened a lot).  Hold your head high and know you're doing your best and that one day we will beat the food demon.
I've been on prednisone and chemo for over 7.5 years.  Gained over 160 pounds due to pred. Highest wt. 410. Surgery wt. 365. Current wt. 299
See ya,400s, 90s,80s,70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s, 10s 300s!!!!  
Jo 1962
on 10/31/11 12:48 pm - NearHouston, TX
you're welcome...friend me if you like and we'll help each other with this if needed. Best to start the program on a monday, based on the program in the book.

5.0 cc in a 10cc lapband  (four  fills) 1 unfill of .5cc  on 5/24/2011.
.5 fill  March 2012. unfill of .25cc May 2012.  Unfill of .5cc June 2014.

Still with my lapband with no plans for revision. Band working well since

last small unfill.

HW: 267lbs- size 22-24  LW:194lbs  CW:198lbs  Size 14-16



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