Frustrated with the fill/unfill process
Thank you, Naph_ jam. I really do care about what is happening with you. I had such a horrible time with my band and it's still so fresh in my memory that I really hate seeing anyone else experience it. I'm sorry that you're going through it and I hope it gets better for you really soon.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
Naph DO listen to NM she really knows her stuff. Myself I've finally just had my band emptied because of the same garbage you are going thru. My insurance was changed so I couldn't afford to play the fill, unfill game at $225 each. So after being miserable and having awful heartburn I decided to hell with it because the band hasn't helped me lose weight anyway so I may as well empty it and hopefully avoid any worse problems because of course if I can't afford fills and unfills I sure can't afford to have it taken out. So I'm trying my best to minimize any further issues as best I can. The band is surely not all it's cracked up to be for many of us. Good luck hon and we're all rooting for you!