I found the perfect way to lose weight.
I am being sarcastic btw. It's been a long time since I've been on here but I felt like posting. I have a Dr. appt tommorrow with a bariatric Dr. But I have not been able to eat or drink for a few weeks now without it all coming back up. So, I'm gonna hopefully be fixed tommorrow but in the last 2 months I have lost around 40 lbs. Which sounds great BUT throwing up everything is not cool and I have NO engery and am dehydrating. So if this ever happens to you don't wait to go to the Dr. BTW, I had my bad put in 5 years ago and I do not regret it even a tiny bit and this is the first trouble I have had. I had the "thick liquid" in my band instead of saline so I have no idea if somehow it is corrupt or what. I will try to remember to let ya'll know.
Ok, so those of you who wanted to know. The band is perfect so luckily nothing wrong with it. But I have a blockage in my esophagus and that plus the band being restricted the was it was is why nothing was going down. So I had 4cc's in my band and he took out 3cc's to loosen me up. I have to go to a Gastro something person to have them make sure there is not a reason for the blockage then "balloon" me open. But in the meantime I can drink liquids and eat mushy food, I just have to go slow but it is a relief because I am getting my energy back. I also asked this new Dr. about the saline evaporating and he said that was true. So, anyway.