If you failed to lose weight after Lap Band guess what it was your fault. If your band slipped it was more than likely your fault. So, don't come on here spreading your venom. Lap-Band isn't a cure, it's a tool. Nothing more, Nothing less. If you get Lap-Band and expect miracle I will guarantee 100% disappointment. So, just stay on your I hate lap band boards. I won't entertain any debate about what surgery is best or any of that crap.
Wow, harsh.
I have had tremendous success SO FAR with my Lap Band. I consider myself lucky, as much as I consider myself compliant. However, to come here and blame people for their band slipping or not losing weight, wow, that's just insanely ridiculous.
Whether this is a scientific study or not, this OH board has yielded some pretty severe complications from the Lap Band. To hide our heads in the sand is ignorance at best. Can we take precautions by following the rules and not having our bands too tight which can POTENTIALLY cause a slip? Of course. But for someone to just judge whoever has had their band slip or god for bid, erode, without being in that person's shoes, is just being malicious.
I also don't see how this post is at all productive, but YMMV
I have had tremendous success SO FAR with my Lap Band. I consider myself lucky, as much as I consider myself compliant. However, to come here and blame people for their band slipping or not losing weight, wow, that's just insanely ridiculous.
Whether this is a scientific study or not, this OH board has yielded some pretty severe complications from the Lap Band. To hide our heads in the sand is ignorance at best. Can we take precautions by following the rules and not having our bands too tight which can POTENTIALLY cause a slip? Of course. But for someone to just judge whoever has had their band slip or god for bid, erode, without being in that person's shoes, is just being malicious.
I also don't see how this post is at all productive, but YMMV
OK perhaps i was to harsh. I just believe in personal accountability. I do believe that most Lap-Band failures are user error. Not the erosion and maybe not even most of the slips. But allot of the slips are user error. And the newbie needs to be aware of the where allot of criticism comes from. And take it with a huge grain of salt.
On September 13, 2011 at 10:20 AM Pacific Time, N. M. wrote:
Just kidding. I know it's hard to learn.
I lost over 100 pounds while banded. Of course, it was because I couldn't eat solid foods and was suicidal from pain.
~I lost over 100 pounds while banded. Of course, it was because I couldn't eat solid foods and was suicidal from pain.~
See N.M.! Your band DID work! So quit your *****ing! LMAO. ;-)
on 9/13/11 9:47 am
on 9/13/11 9:47 am
Donna, I will give my 2 cents regarding lap band complications. I remember an old bandster name Nancy D, who got banded about 1 year before I got mine back in 2003, and she used to warn all newbies of being too tight. Many lap banders would give every excuse in the world than to admit "self fault" of their issues, I've seen it all. The lap band is the only surgery where the restriction can be set to whatever the patient desires and that has been the problem and the downfall of some of these people who has suffered unnecessary complications.
My band is adjusted at what I call my sweet spot. I have about 2.6ccs in my band and even though I've gotten used to my restriction over the years, I still have to be careful with my eating or else I will get stuck on food, I rarely vomit or PB. But some people are more prone to vomiting than others and some people stomachs are weaker than others. I never have nausea or vomiting with my band, but I will get reflux if I eat too close to bedtime. From what I hear vomiting will weaken the stomach wall, and perhaps if someone had an eating disorder prior to banding and their stomach was already in a weak state when the band was placed, this is a recipe for disaster. Every one is not a candidate for the band, it's really not for people who've had or still have bulimic tendencies or use drastic measures for weight loss. The band CAN and will kill you if it slips from being extremely too tight too long, this is what many veterans use to warn the newbies about, but then many did not adhere to this and many of quit posting.
From what I see I honestly don't believe surgeons care if the patient gets too tight, they can suggest a good fill level for that patient, but if the patient insists they need more saline and their bands tighten to their liking there is nothing the surgeon can do, but fill the band as tight as the patient wants it. If the patient suffers band slippage, this is usually the patient fault, and nothing can be done legally, but the surgeon's responsiblity is to educate the patient on the dangers of being overfilled and they usally give a chart of warnings of the correct fill and tell the patient to come back to remove saline if they are experiencing any adverse symptoms if they are too tight, but erosion is not cause by the patient in most cases.
The band has been a very safe and effective tool for me and many of my friends, but in the wrong hands with a surgeon who does not pre screen or someone who keeps it too tight, it can be a very dangerous tool and can cause severe complications if used inappropriately. I don't know what my future hold with my band, but so far so good, I don't have any adverse effects and my quality of life is great and so far no complications, I hope to go the grave with my band, but if I don't, I can say it gave me my life back.
My band is adjusted at what I call my sweet spot. I have about 2.6ccs in my band and even though I've gotten used to my restriction over the years, I still have to be careful with my eating or else I will get stuck on food, I rarely vomit or PB. But some people are more prone to vomiting than others and some people stomachs are weaker than others. I never have nausea or vomiting with my band, but I will get reflux if I eat too close to bedtime. From what I hear vomiting will weaken the stomach wall, and perhaps if someone had an eating disorder prior to banding and their stomach was already in a weak state when the band was placed, this is a recipe for disaster. Every one is not a candidate for the band, it's really not for people who've had or still have bulimic tendencies or use drastic measures for weight loss. The band CAN and will kill you if it slips from being extremely too tight too long, this is what many veterans use to warn the newbies about, but then many did not adhere to this and many of quit posting.
From what I see I honestly don't believe surgeons care if the patient gets too tight, they can suggest a good fill level for that patient, but if the patient insists they need more saline and their bands tighten to their liking there is nothing the surgeon can do, but fill the band as tight as the patient wants it. If the patient suffers band slippage, this is usually the patient fault, and nothing can be done legally, but the surgeon's responsiblity is to educate the patient on the dangers of being overfilled and they usally give a chart of warnings of the correct fill and tell the patient to come back to remove saline if they are experiencing any adverse symptoms if they are too tight, but erosion is not cause by the patient in most cases.
The band has been a very safe and effective tool for me and many of my friends, but in the wrong hands with a surgeon who does not pre screen or someone who keeps it too tight, it can be a very dangerous tool and can cause severe complications if used inappropriately. I don't know what my future hold with my band, but so far so good, I don't have any adverse effects and my quality of life is great and so far no complications, I hope to go the grave with my band, but if I don't, I can say it gave me my life back.
on 9/13/11 3:29 am
on 9/13/11 3:29 am
I am an old veteran bandster, I left the board for awhile, but I remember when this board used to be vibrant and full of life. In fact, it was had the most activity of all boards about 2-3 years ago up until many people who got the band should not have gotten it the first place.
I admit your post is sort of harsh, but truth be told, a post like this is NEEDED, and I wished more successful veteran bandsters would post. There are way more lap banders than Sleevers in real life, but by lurking Obesity Help it seems as though there are more Sleevers.
I think what is happening is the more people that slip their bands and revise over to the Sleeve, the more people that are bitter and will try to rain on the parade of those who still have band
Many of my friends stopped posting here for this very reason. I really don't need to post, I just lurk and look at all the foolishness, I've lost my weight with no complications, vitamin deficiencies, or hospitalizations going on 7 years.
I am very thankful for my band and the life it has given me. I exercised and kept my band adjusted properly and so far so good. It appears these people that revised are hurting and they want to lash out and anyone *****motely seems happy, this is really a shame.
I admit your post is sort of harsh, but truth be told, a post like this is NEEDED, and I wished more successful veteran bandsters would post. There are way more lap banders than Sleevers in real life, but by lurking Obesity Help it seems as though there are more Sleevers.
I think what is happening is the more people that slip their bands and revise over to the Sleeve, the more people that are bitter and will try to rain on the parade of those who still have band
Many of my friends stopped posting here for this very reason. I really don't need to post, I just lurk and look at all the foolishness, I've lost my weight with no complications, vitamin deficiencies, or hospitalizations going on 7 years.
I am very thankful for my band and the life it has given me. I exercised and kept my band adjusted properly and so far so good. It appears these people that revised are hurting and they want to lash out and anyone *****motely seems happy, this is really a shame.
Incidentally, out of the three dozen or so people I know personally, in real life, who have been banded, only three of those people still have bands. I've been watching this same scenario since 2002. It's like being stuck in the movie, Groundhog Day.
I am not telling people not to get the band because of my OWN experience (which was Hell on earth, by the way), but also because I've witnessed with my own eyes, failure after failure... and these were GOOD people who wanted to LOSE weight. And we all went into the lapband surgery in good faith, thinking this was going to be the solution. And it wasn't. It turned out to be horrible for the majority of us.
I am not telling people not to get the band because of my OWN experience (which was Hell on earth, by the way), but also because I've witnessed with my own eyes, failure after failure... and these were GOOD people who wanted to LOSE weight. And we all went into the lapband surgery in good faith, thinking this was going to be the solution. And it wasn't. It turned out to be horrible for the majority of us.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI