anyone have problems bending over after a meal with the band?
Hi, I've been banded since April 18th and am at a 4cc fill of my realize band just filled to that capacity two weeks ago. Anyhow today I experienced an issue approximately 1-2 hours after I ate. I was outside picking up my kids toys something I always do and started having pains in the sternum area. I felt like I had a huge gas bubble there but it was more pressure. I started sweating like crazy and thought OMG I need to go to the ER. I let 10 minutes go by had some sips of some warm water and then proceeded to go to the bathroom... Upon having (sorry TMI) a bowel movement and bearing down a little the whole pain went away. I then got up and felt fantastic. So tonight I had a salad for dinner with some chicken. I ate it, it went down well and about an hour later yep you guessed it now Im picking up some more toys in the house and I started to feel it again. I let out a few good belches, they are gurgling belches too like I have never had before and the feeling passed. Do you all think I am eating possibly too fast? Could it be excess gas I have built up making me feel this way? Everything I eat stays down, I've never had a stuck episode or have vomited or have slimed for that matter. Any info would be great since I am going to call my Dr in the morning when they open. Just wanted to see if any one else has experienced this before.
You may be eating to fast or not chewing well enough. Be careful that you are not over-filling your pouch, (I sometimes have pain that radiates to my left shoulder if I eat too much. Constipation can cause pain so make sure you are taking daily fiber supplements. It's hard for us to get enough fiber from our high protein diet. It sounds to me that your first experience was a stuck episode and the food eventually went through. I can always tell when I have food pressing on the opening between my pouch and stomach that won't go through immediately. If I wait it out I can tell when it goes through because there's usually immediate relief. If it won't go through the stoma then it may have to come back up. That's just the reality of banded life. The best way to avoid this all together is to eat slowly, chew well and don't eat more than 1/2 c food at a time.
If you continue to have pain call your surgeon just to be safe.
Lisa O.
If you continue to have pain call your surgeon just to be safe.
Lisa O.