If you are at a stall
Current 165
Goal 140
Believe you can and you're halfway there. -Theodore Roosevelt-
Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16
I also train with a trainer and I went from 282 to 165 in one year but stopped training and ballooned back up to 203 as of today...however, you have to do ALOT of cardio to slim down...the weight training helps to boost your metabolism so continue to burn fat even longer after your work out is done. Cardio is the key! Elliptical, treadmill, bike..etc... I only see the scale move when my cardio is executed atleast once or twice a day along with weight training. The biggest thing to remember is that your diet is 95 percent of what goes down and the exercise does the rest. Hey, maybe you just hit a plateau that will bust loose soon and allow you see those numbers. Your body has to be changing though!