Anxious after lap band surgery
I am 3 weeks out of lap band surgery. I went in for my post op 6 days after my surgery and had lost 9 lbs. I am introducing soft foods and the only problem is I'm nervous because I am at 18lbs and holding. I'm thinking of going back to full liquid diet...I'm determined not to fail...It's disheartening..Any suggestions(I've lost 14lbs I thought it would be more

Just so you don't drive yourself crazy the average weight loss with the band is 1-2 lbs a week, it is the slowest from of weight loss so patience is a must. It will not be a quick journey! Doing a liquid diet merely disables your band from working, It is designed to work with solid protein, liquids just go straight thru the band and never activate the vegas nerve that tells you it's full. So progress as your doc advises. Yes you may gain a little but it will come off again in the near future. Just follow your docs instructions and you should do well. Remember you will also hit stalls so again patience!
Thank you so much for the encouragement! I was starting to get that same feeling after dieting without results. I will take your advice and be PATIENT! I'm following the doctor's plan and have to keep myself from being so down on myself. I'm my own worse critic and starting to feel like a failure. My first fill is scheduled for 9/6. I'm hoping to see some results soon!!! Thanks again!
Thanks Carrie! I will remember that...I've read and researched this prior to getting the surgery, but my negative "self" kicks in and I start to doubt myself. I went to my post op appt. and there was a lady who had surgery the same day...she said she lost 17 pounds, and I only lost 9(in six days...I know that is a good start but it plants that see of doubt that I cant be successful). I need to relax and trust the process and myself..
Cant tell you guys how much better I feel after reading your replies and looking through the other posts....this site is a Godsend to me! Thanks again!
Cant tell you guys how much better I feel after reading your replies and looking through the other posts....this site is a Godsend to me! Thanks again!
There is a thread on here where veteran bandsters are sharing things they've learned with newbies. This specific issue was mentioned as perfectly normal. I was so glad to read that! Also, be sure not to weigh yourself more than once a week, even less if you have that much self control.
"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light." ~ Helen Keller
I am also 6 days out and ive lost 10lbs... I read somewhere that this post-op liquid diet is more about allowing your body heal and to become "aquainted" with the band. Im sure you arent doing anything wrong... I mean most people need @ least 2wks to lose that much lbs, so consider it a success before a failure
good luck!

You sound very nervous and concentrating on the weight loss. You have to change your mind set or you will drive yourself crazy! It's hard to do this but you must.
Remember that on the average you will lose 1-2 pounds a week. That's 4-8 pounds a month. A healthy weight loss is the best. You need a good nutritionist to assist you. Do not deprive yourself. Go on a healthy eating program and enjoy your new life!
Remember that on the average you will lose 1-2 pounds a week. That's 4-8 pounds a month. A healthy weight loss is the best. You need a good nutritionist to assist you. Do not deprive yourself. Go on a healthy eating program and enjoy your new life!
Many of us on here can relate to being our own worst critic. And so many of us have failed at SO MANY DIFFERENT DIET PLANS, that we fear, yet, another failure. I still have to work on not expecting failure or just limited success. I have to tell myself this is a life change that I chose because I need the tool it provides to nudge me to make better eating choices. I'm 7 months out and so far, so good. Relax, follow your band rules and put the scales away. I had to in the beginning. Now I'm not so obsessed. Good Luck!!!!!!