To old for Tummy Tuck?
Too old? Oh hell no! Your never to old to do something that makes you feel good about yourself!!! We tend to put ourselves last, and try to be rational about expenses. How many of us would spend $15,000 for a car that will last maybe 10 years and think nothing of it??? For some reason that is easier for most ppl to justify than spending the same amount on theirselves to improve their appearance, and also pust a stop to many infections in the folds.
So if u think your too old read this:
Well I'm 60 and would get one in a heart beat! Just remember there is a difference between a pannulectomy and a tummy tuck. In the panni they just remove the extra skin and with the full tuck they tighten muscles and allso it looks good. The panni can come out looking good or not. Insurance usually will only cover a panni if you are having infection problems but they as a rule don't cover the tummy tuck as it is considered cosmetic surgery. The panni is considered medically neccesary to fix the infection problem. But hey if hubs says go for it I say go girl!
Don't be put off by the idea of pain or healing period. I had one done at about 30 and there wasn't much pain at all. I didn't even have much time off work. Do have a mega scar though (hip to hip) as I don't heal well. My mom had one done and she had no scar at all, just the tiniest white line you could barely see even up close.
Maybe you could ask your bariatric surgeon for plastic surgeons with experience with people with bands and ports.
I have since gained 88 lbs and if I need another one done after I have lost the weight, I will do so. My PS originally got it covered by insurance as a medical necessity, don't know how he did that.
I am 58 and I am not too old, just too broke and still a little too heavy. I would do the tummy tuck in a heartbeat if I could, but not so sure about the total body lift as I don't like those scars on the backside. I already have no butt, and to scar up what little is there just doesn't seem right, although those who have had it say they love the results.
If you can, go for it!
If you can, go for it!
It depends on age, the younger you are the faster you will heal. Unfortunitly the older you are, your skin thins and recovery will take longer and incision area my not heal properly and scarring be visible. Think about the pros and cons and length of time you can didcate to healing. The surgeon will down play what will take place healing wise...maybe find your local forum and start from there.