Lapband removal
My surgeon said he does several in a week, and when I went to check in for my VSG revision, the nurse told me that the number of removals she has seen in the last 6 to 8 months has been shocking, she also said that many are coming in with severe erosion (not slips!), which has nothing to do with behavior of the patient!
Yeah when I started having first complications in Sept 2009, that's where my weight loss just completely quit. I had band placed January 2009.
I went into lapband surgery thinking i would never have issues but I guess band proved me wrong.
I'm just sad that it failed for me :( really am and I am truly glad that it worked for others like Lisa O., Jean M., and others I can't remember as I am still out of it from the surgery Monday.
I went into lapband surgery thinking i would never have issues but I guess band proved me wrong.
I'm just sad that it failed for me :( really am and I am truly glad that it worked for others like Lisa O., Jean M., and others I can't remember as I am still out of it from the surgery Monday.
It is sad because when we are overweight and we get the band that is the one thing that brings us hope to a healthier life that we all want.
That is my biggest fear also with the band is something happening to it. Maybe that is why deep down I haven't gotten a fill yet . I think in my mind if I dont get a fill then there is less risk of complications, if I dont get a fill I dont have people poking around with a dang needle to get to my port, (all it takes is one needle poke into the tubing and you are screwed ) I'm scared of getting to tight , I'm scared of not being able to live a normal life . I'm scared I will get to obsessed with fills like my friend is , and so many other things going on in my mind.
I have all them thoughts going in my head every month when I go see the doc and I walk out without a fill in me.
I have excellent will power and self control when I want to have it though so that has helped matters with me and not having a fill and I do feel satisfied when I eat a well balanced meal . I just needed something to let me know that I dont need to eat like I did before just that mental image around my tummy is enough for right now and Im darn lucky not many people can do that .
I hope your new surgery works out better for you Cheryl and it goes smoothly for you :o) I wish you much much success and happiness !!!
That is my biggest fear also with the band is something happening to it. Maybe that is why deep down I haven't gotten a fill yet . I think in my mind if I dont get a fill then there is less risk of complications, if I dont get a fill I dont have people poking around with a dang needle to get to my port, (all it takes is one needle poke into the tubing and you are screwed ) I'm scared of getting to tight , I'm scared of not being able to live a normal life . I'm scared I will get to obsessed with fills like my friend is , and so many other things going on in my mind.
I have all them thoughts going in my head every month when I go see the doc and I walk out without a fill in me.
I have excellent will power and self control when I want to have it though so that has helped matters with me and not having a fill and I do feel satisfied when I eat a well balanced meal . I just needed something to let me know that I dont need to eat like I did before just that mental image around my tummy is enough for right now and Im darn lucky not many people can do that .
I hope your new surgery works out better for you Cheryl and it goes smoothly for you :o) I wish you much much success and happiness !!!
Your post is honest, straight forward and unoffensive about issues that happen with the band, I think its a great post and I love the fact that you mention that they should talk to others that are having the same issues. Thank you for sharing information and writing it so eloquently. :) I was noticing the same thing about the removals and it concerned me as well. Hope your day is great .
just keep swimming
just keep swimming
I have noticed this as well. I have a great deal of sympathy for those who have complications and removals. When I had surgery I felt that the band was going to give me everything I had dreamed of. As of today, only 4 months out, it has. I do realize I am still in the honeymoon stage. I love my band daily. However, I do realize that there are some serious complications that could arise. I couldn't imagine dealing with constant pain and misery that some have described. I hope they find the medical treatment and care they need to live a healthy life. I do hope the manufactures make needed improvements to prevent more band removals and complications. Until then I will continue to pray for success of other bandsters and myself to have complication free experiences.
I feel bad for those that had problems with the band I am 2 years out and right now I have had little problem with my band I tried to follow the rules the best that I can When I got the flu last nov I call my dr right away and they didn't take any chance they gave me a complete unfill until feb of this year so I wouldn't do any damage The problems that do have at time are caused by myself not the band. I haven't posted as much because of family health problems and my own health problems nothing due to the band. I believe everyone search what wls is best for them and also the surgeons that will be doing yours ands there success rate and how many problems that they have encountered also talk to people that have had surgery by the dr doing there. Also see what kind of program they have for postop do they have support groups a nut that yoiu can call problems a exercise program and also is the dr easier to get a hold of when yoi have a problem
I share this same concern with you, believe me. I look at the stories of people who were doing great, never having issues, and then one day BAM they have an issue. Every single twinge of pain I get near my port, or when I eat something too dry that gets "stuck", I panic. Like Steelersfan I don't have a fill yet. I don't really feel the need for one yet either. But I can tell you that I am afraid of that because it seems that is when it becomes an issue. The fills, unfills, tightness, looseness, etc.
That being said, I have really thought long and hard whether or not I would have preferred another surgery. The answer is just really no. I understand totally that there are very good reasons to have one of the other surgeries, but I just couldn't wrap my mind around cutting my stomach and intestines. I do know that's a simplistic way to look at it, but it is my way.
My heart totally goes out to those that have had band problems. They put all of their hope and prayers into losing weight with this device, and then it turns bad. I don't know the answer. I am not a medical professional. I do think people are more likely to come forward with issues as opposed to coming forward to go on and on how wonderful they are doing. That does not minimize for one second the pain that those who have problems with their bands go through. I do believe they should continue to come here because there might be someone less vocal who is embarassed or ashamed to come forward, who is having serious symptoms and doesn't know what to do. Those with issues are like educators and helps us to realize what to look for, before it is too late.
What I do have a problem with is people coming forward and assuming that we are morons for choosing the band, even knowing the issues that some people are having. Other than that, I agree that we are a support system and should keep that in mind when we post.
I share this same concern with you, believe me. I look at the stories of people who were doing great, never having issues, and then one day BAM they have an issue. Every single twinge of pain I get near my port, or when I eat something too dry that gets "stuck", I panic. Like Steelersfan I don't have a fill yet. I don't really feel the need for one yet either. But I can tell you that I am afraid of that because it seems that is when it becomes an issue. The fills, unfills, tightness, looseness, etc.
That being said, I have really thought long and hard whether or not I would have preferred another surgery. The answer is just really no. I understand totally that there are very good reasons to have one of the other surgeries, but I just couldn't wrap my mind around cutting my stomach and intestines. I do know that's a simplistic way to look at it, but it is my way.
My heart totally goes out to those that have had band problems. They put all of their hope and prayers into losing weight with this device, and then it turns bad. I don't know the answer. I am not a medical professional. I do think people are more likely to come forward with issues as opposed to coming forward to go on and on how wonderful they are doing. That does not minimize for one second the pain that those who have problems with their bands go through. I do believe they should continue to come here because there might be someone less vocal who is embarassed or ashamed to come forward, who is having serious symptoms and doesn't know what to do. Those with issues are like educators and helps us to realize what to look for, before it is too late.
What I do have a problem with is people coming forward and assuming that we are morons for choosing the band, even knowing the issues that some people are having. Other than that, I agree that we are a support system and should keep that in mind when we post.
On August 7, 2011 at 9:16 AM Pacific Time, Tiny Tutu wrote:
I got Barrets Esophagus from my lap band. One year ago I did not have it. This year I do. That is pre cancer cells. I have to be checked annually and take. Prilosec 2xday "indefinitely". Be careful with reflux.
It was not worth it. I unfilled my band 6 months ago. My throat still aches.
I seem to be reading more lately of bandsters getting Barret's. Also the number of posters with Left shoulder pain has increased considerable as well! I think these things would have been shared on the Lap-Band forum much sooner had they not seen so much bashing of the bandsters that have issues when they posted about it on here.
I am so glad that more bandsters are finally starting to feel secure enough to come on here and post about the damage that their bands have caused!!!